[] Spinning Chaos; The Reckoning of Tenebris - 2H Chaos EoR Sentinel - 5:30 average 170

How do you sustain EoR with 40 regen/10% absorb? Wouldn’t Candle and Crossroad be better than Raven?

Has anyone tested severes faith + bloodlord sash?

I get the point of razhim but it seems you are missing all the juicy conversions.

With those two you can probably pair guardian gaze and flame torrent for insane proc damage. Decent OA too.

I made an updated version awhile… updating post a small bit and adding new video


Hey,rly nice build,I would like to know if it works the same in 1.1.8? thnx

It’s even better now due to buffs

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Sweet,thanks for the reply :slight_smile:

If you take full armor absorb it feels safer as well. But you give up a little bit of kill speed on some high chaos resist enemies.

Hey @Valinov, I’ve been planning out my own Tenebris EOR build for a Sentinel I’ve been leveling. It’s kind of an amalgamation of what I’ve seen on the forums at this point, but so far, I have


(I should mention that what I value in the build here isn’t raw clear time above all else; I’m willing to trade some damage for tankyness and consistency.)

If you don’t mind, I’d like your input here. Specifically

  1. I noticed you took chaos EOR prefix on the conduit rather than guardians RR. Is this always going to be better?

  2. Similarly, you’ve skipped more RR and taken seal of the void rather than solael’s spellbinding. (I assume both of these choices require stacking that racial damage.) Does this make sense in my case as well. I don’t mind the extra button if RR is better.

  3. I’ve forgone 3pc rah’zin for conversion belt and GDstash greens. I’m assuming high-rolling attack speed on gear and time dilation+hungering void are enough to skip that 10% attack speed 3pc bonus. If not, mogdrogen’s ardor (missing resistances can be covered by ditching the 3 solael’s bloodbinding augments I have) over serenity can supplement, though at the cost of some energy regen. Thoughts?

  4. My only stat concern ATM is low armor, and in that sense, maybe I should just suck it up and play righteous fervor consecration, but that seems bad due to less spinning and not having both consecration and soulfire up on the initial engage. IDK. I suppose seal of blades could also help a little bit, though it comes with an offensive cost that shouldn’t be ignored.

  5. Not sure about my investment in judgment, given that the DA shred is a little redundant with the helm (which I’ve taken for skillpoints over harbinger mask despite the sheet damage loss). Maybe I should play pox OA shred or righteous fervor instead. If judgement goes, either OA shred pox or 1 pt in volcanic stride are needed to proc guardian’s gaze.

  6. Components and augments— specifically prismatic diamond, 3 “wasted slots” on solael’s bloodbindings, and in particular, not stacking the racial damage your build has.

Anyway, sorry for the text dump. Feel free to respond to as little or as much as you like.

On an unrelated note, I always really enjoy the music selection in your build videos. :metal:

  1. In the majority of situations it will be better yes. Against super resistant targets like reaper it can be slightly lower dps. Against lower resist targets (or even moderately resist ones like Ben) allowing for easy full fire conversion + the flat bonus at high attack speed is a lot of damage. See #3
  2. Seal of the void was mainly for the attack speed. Added bonus of slightly higher % damage and flat. If I were to play SR with the build I would most likely use solael. In crucible the extra button is a slow down, especially since with buffs everything gets mowed down so fast.
  3. I dont particularly see a reason to drop those two sets. The flat damage and % damage bonuses are very large dps contributions. (not to mention very large %cthonic damage) I see what you are trying to do with ascension, but I’m not sure it will net the result you want.
  4. Weaving auto-attacks on EoR is straight cancer… I mean you can do it, but at big QoL loss and ultimately not a ton of gain (even if it looks nice in gt) Heres a tankier version https://www.grimtools.com/calc/aZqxxzMV You could craft x2 slow res, x2 %armor to get even more too. All I did was swap to stonehide prefix on boots, belt comp to get extra armor, and an extra living armor to cap absorb. (could go even more beef with seal of blades + ghoul https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2BmmXJN )
  5. Yeah that would be a pass for me. Especially on your setup because of the reason you stated. Haven is pretty great for this build. HP bonus and increased healing really help with the constant stream of leech from eor.
  6. See #4
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Thanks so much!

I actually missed this bit when I was weighing options:

The more I think about it, the more you have me convinced that 3pc rah’zin fits way to nicely to be ignored. Working backwards from there, you’re basically forced to take EOR conduit regardless. I might still experiment with covenant of the three helm to see if it facilitates lazier play in roguelike dungeons or something, but mostly I just feel a lingering attachment to the idea of using it from my earlier draft (an idea which I’m sure will fade when I actually have the extra damage from harbinger mask at my fingertips).

I really appreciate the alternate specs! The ghoul one is intriguingly close devotion-wise to hourglass— you could do this


for example. The incidental extra armor and health regen is nice, but loss of OA, crit damage, and (surprisingly) energy look like they could be painful. (I’ve also taken final node of ghoul and put it into jackal, though that isn’t important to hourglass here.) What do you think about the trade-off?

Edit: Aeon nodes are nice too. OA when ascension is down is BAD though (although perhaps still livable with a super-sized dose of GDstash “luck”— absolute max OA without ascension should be in the 2850 neighborhood with improbable OA modifier bonuses).

Edit 2: If OA is too painful, mogdrogen’s ardor over serenity and swapping wendigo nodes back to raven %OA is also possible I suppose.

Edit 3: Actually just taking mogdrogen’s ardor and high-rolling attack speed lets you remove wendigo and spider attack speed and re-take panther and raven OA as well as dying god crit node. With time dilation giving you better dying god uptime (plus the occasional incidental attack speed supplement from ghoulish hunger if it happens to proc when dying god is down), you should be pretty well set on attack speed. Energy regen is still lower at about 43.5, though.