[ -][Vid] Beastcaller Set | Power of Beasts | Lightning Pet Conjurer | SR 120

Sorry for this noob / stupid question, but Dreegā€™s evil eye and Doom bolt are there for proc devotions? Why not grasping vines which is usually good for that purpose?


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Evil eye (reduce monster phy damage) and Doom bolt is 100% to trigger Devotion skill. which means can control skill time and reduce monster threat taunt.

v1171 GTļ¼šhttps://www.grimtools.com/calc/O2Gq1bLZ ļ¼ˆHC Deep SR versionļ¼‰
Devotion update
Noteļ¼šMend Flesh 5 point can change to Mogdrogenā€™s Pack to increase Energy Regeneration

Thanks for sharing your awesome build. Iā€™m currently leveling a conjurer now and would love to switch a build similar to this, it looks like I may need some specific items before I can do that though. Any suggestions on what is required to make this build work similair to a more familiar/hellhound focused build?

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Beastcaller pieces would be a good start, as Briars are a large source of the damage for this build. The set also gives a nice mix of offensive + defensive buffs for both us and our pets

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Thanks Saucey, Iā€™ve got the Blueprint and have already made the Cowl, itā€™s sitting in my bank waiting for me to hit 68. Next Iā€™ll need to start crafting and transmuting more Cowls to get the rest of the set. At what point does the Wind Devil become better than Familar with Lightning Strike and/or Hell Hound? I just got the Voidmancers Cord so starting to consider lightning pets more seriously now. I would love to get the Primal Spirit as well but again so heavily invested in Occulist for Hell Hound and Familiar

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A key powerspike in this build is hitting full phys->lightning conversion on your minions. That, and beastcaller 4pc. Once you meet those requirements (even 75-80%ish conversion would be okay if youā€™re not quite there yet), you should re-allocate some points from Hound + Bird into Wind Devil + Elemental Exposure.

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Hey mate i try to follow this hero but not sure what to do with Dregoā€™s Evil Eye skill since i dont even see it in GT skill bar that you linked. :thinking:

Dreegā€™s has dryadā€™s blessing attached.