[ -] Team Deep SR 160 - 208 [Videos]

Do you have this problem when going just 75-76 or it happens to you only with deathly waystones?

No idea. Haven’t done SR 75-76 more than like twice since 1.1.5.

I wonder because same here, usually I start just with death waystones. If so many people noticed it there must be something strange with it. Either monsters changed their positions so even with camera trick it’s harder now and I have to die in opposite site of the map many times to lure them away :frowning_face:

That was actually in the patch notes, if I remember correctly. Enemies were placed further apart to help luring them one by one, but that in the small room just means more chance of aggroing more than one…

I know, in my opinion it wasn’t good change at all because enemies with higher vision range like Kaisan can instantly rush you. If map would be like 20% bigger then it would be good. In lava map it’s nice but there we are - this map has lower spawn chance for some reason.


Btw, apparently getting the Small map more is just bad luck on our part :sweat_smile: :


So, how bad luck we are :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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Trust me, u won’t want to watch the video
only Death & drink Consumables sound :rofl:

also I worry game crush, so no record video.

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120 Gargaban + Valdaran + Aleksander + BennJahr
121 Sentinel + Valdaran + Fabius + Iron Maiden
122 EkketZul + Moosilauke + Fabius + Aleksander
123 Gargaban + GravaThul + BennJahr + Fabius
124 Lucian + Moosilauke + Zantarin + Fabius

125 Warden + Reaper + Valdaran + Zantarin
126 Sentinel + Moosilauke + Valdaran + Zantarin (Lava map)

125 Lucian + Iron Maiden + Zantarin + Zantarin
126 Keeper + Fabius + Valdaran + Zantarin
127 Sentinel + Valdaran + BennJahr + Kubacabra (Lava map)
128 EkketZul + Aleksander + Reaper + Zantarin
129 Lucian + Zantarin + IronMaiden + IronMaiden
130 Gargaban + Kaisan + Moosilauke + Zantarin


Tell Zantai about it :stuck_out_tongue:

He said is 50/50, what we can tell :sweat_smile:

Ask him to buff our luck :rofl:

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135 Cheodin + Kaisan + Bennjahr + IronMaiden

136 Lucian + GravaThul + Reaper + BennJahr

137 Cheodin +BennJahr + Kubacabra + Valdaran

138 Cheodin +BennJahr + Valdaran + Zantarin

139 Keeper + Moosilauke + Fabius + IornMaiden

140 SharZal + BennJahr +Reaper + IronMaiden

Team SR 140 (Vedio)

Impressive display of end game skill and patience :slight_smile:

Can you post the BD’s grimtools of the last runs :
Conjurer + Mask (class: Druid ?) + Warlords + Pyran (class: Shieldbreaker)

Thank you very much !

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