Can’t remember the last time I had some much fun with a 2h melee build. One of my favorite concepts ever since I started playng GD, 2h BA with Blind Fury bound to it.
A word of caution. The build idea came to mind while watching Doom Eternal Glory kills. It may induce blood fueled rage…otherwise quite fun
All procs up except Diamond. %phsyique Crafting was used raise DA a bit. DpS would be higher a bit but i forgot to move the 4x points from SR War Cry to Squad Tactics
Crucible GT: Vicious Jaw is just me toying around with stuff. It’s pretty good. You can use a Tainted heart instead like the GT setup.
SR GT : - The only change is Avenger of Cairn medal for it’s amazing defense. You can increase physique by 10-15 if you want to feel safer
Please do use Oleron bound to BA and Assassin on Pox. It works so well and there is no other skill that is better suited mechanically and thematically for Blind Fury than Blade Arc.
Scales devotion is also pretty amazing. The proc heal with gladiator belt and 2h lets you play as recklessly as you wish in any situation, solves energy, pumps %lifesteal to 9%, has good overall stats and makes your char SR Ready as well. You can spec out and get Azrakaa bound to CoF with Arcane spark in medal but Scales make your build unrelenting!
SR 80 Oleron + soon - a new instance with Oleron shrine just for fun…if only it would roll
Balde Arc Damage can be 120K if you mess around with cunning Flat damage
DOOM Relic - Like Blind Fury, it’s fantastic on this build. Use it whenever swarmed. Along with War Cry it will give you amazing CC in Crucible and make life a lot easier in SR. The Dots are very good in crucible. just Spam BA a few times, cast Doom and move onto other targets
DoTs - the build has very decent dots to complement its raw dps. 140K to 200K. Use that to your advantage in SR as well where you can harass mobs in and out as you build your momentum.
With +5 to Soldier Skills and the shoulders…no problem to max it.
Nice build, I really would like to test Scales with my Witchblade, but this 8 Yellow are hard to get together with 15 Purple and 12 Green…have to think about it.
I know Blade Arc works with 2H very well but still it’s nice to see non Bloodrager being so bloody good. And also I like that Occultist have enough skills to proc these devotions.
Welcome back, Fluff. Nice take on a classical build. Are scales really covering up for the adtch? 9% seems a bit low-ish.
What’s the average Crucible timer for this one?
And last question, knowing how source of flat physical damage are bugged, wouldn’t it be better to for DA augments like Arcanum Dust and make a bigger Cunning dump? (I think it will be, like this:, higher energy regen and elemental overcaps as well).
In a perfect world I’d be doing a Blitz / Vire build with them using Steward’s Halberd
Thank you.
9% low-ish, with that flat dmg on the build? Jeez, how much do you need
To be fair Scales is absolutely amazing. Since you are asking this and Suggesting Dust for extra energy, I take it you haven’t tried it much. You just have to.
Energy leech is very potent on it. It solves the problems on it’s own. I’ve never had to use pots unless in very rare occasions like Shattered Sharz who is more resistant to leech. Nothing else comes to mind now. I also used 3 buff only in Crucible so that there is no doubt about leech and DA
Life steal on the proc. This thing with Gladiator Belt and 2h lets you defy what would be impossible situations. 132% dmg to life when RR is applied refills your HP really fast and also bypasses fumble!. I can’t recommend it enough
You just have to try for yourself, on the right build, where it completes it
I know you are an ARcanum Dust fan. I have thought about the flat phys dmg part as well 3 days ago and had another Idea that I didn’t get to test.
Osyr’s Temper Aug to keep the OA up too and 50% converted is ‘‘true’’ damage
Arcanum - - 42.7K. Sadly the extra ele resist is not enough to mage me let go of a scorched plating. Crucible Has just enough and SR with Avenger is doing great.
If I were to retest and min max i’d try the Osyr path
BTW forgot to mention. The build can easily do it with 2 buffs. Amatok - Ulo. So another Tower could be added, like one that shreds armor - I’ll be testing it later after patch comes maybe
That way you can let go of one (or two) spellscorched platings and get most bang out of your buck increasing total %physical/trauma/bleeding and OA at the same time instead of what turned out to be useless physical flat. Or you can even use three hammerfall powders for extra 45% damage if regen/res is not needed.
I will try Scales on one of my builds, @Valinov is also the one who likes to use it. Energy leech is indeed very effective after
Sure all three options can work well. I was just curious how much the extra converted dmg from Osyr would matter and also the extra 80 - 100 OA you can get from it
Understandable. Just that these two Mi’s are just that good for this build due to the innate +skills they have. It’s not like green boots that are used for good resists most of the time
The energy leech is impressive. But the lifesteal ability is also amazing. This devo also enabled me a no buff/banner Belgo run that I didn’t yet post. Was made some time December
Pure joy - Thank you for ressurecting my oldest witchblade - just respeced it (had all the stuff including some really nice greens i have stashed for such ocassions) and it is indeed incredibly fun gameplay!
The 25 RR also made Kaisan doable for naked Belgo. It’s not amazing by having AoE (It would be OP if it had AoE) but it can keep permanent RR in boss fights.
I’m very happy to hear this. Both the concept and how the build works have also been a joy for me as well. At no point was it a chore to make this build work the way it does, and that rarely happens to me