First of all big shoutout to @mad_lee for his Prince no.2 Lightning EoR Paladin.
My build takes a slightly different approach in the devotion pathing focusing to get as close as possible to max AS% and to convert as much fire to lightning as possible.
Since come with some new goodies i decided to give rings of anubar a chance for the extra layer of AoE around you and it turned out to be actually good! Other extra different stuff where the non myth Stormseer amulet for the extra fire to lightning conversion and the extra proc, Arcane Harmony pants for some extra spirit, da, good resistances and the skill disruption protection and the epic Magelord’s boots mainly for the slow res.
All craftable items where crafted with Slow Res to cap that out for maximum output.
Other than that my setup is pretty standard for the build itself as you’ll see in the GT.
Skill distribution wise i went for 12/12/12 judgement for DA shred and used it as a Raise the dead proccer to have skelletons up permanently, 1/1 empyrions to proc Ultos passively, Arcane bomb being for EoR itself. Rest of the skill distribution focused on covering up OA and CC res needs.
This build does not use seal or stormbox thus every extra cast = less time spent spinning!
Why do you put points in Celestial presence? For the aura conversion - and does this really impact enough? I wonder if you might get better value out of those 20 skill points somewhere else (includes saving some mastery points, as well).
Thanks, good to know. Im looking at my options for EoR. It seems that cyclone is my best bet for a strong, not piano build. I am just wondering whether shieldbreaker or archon should be better (i don’t want to charge savagery). If you (or others) have any insight, that would be great.
That’s interesting. Is it the power of the wind devils? I was tossing up because demo offers total speed and flame touched as well as what I thought to be more consistent RR (easier to apply and stronger than devils.) And blast shield.
First and foremost, 2.9+k da and NO SPIRIT DUMP? Second, considered Bane? Flat, attack speed, 2/3 proc in lightning, oa. I know, single rr class but…
Same question. Shoot used myth on our Cyclone elementalist and we didn’t even need attack speed. And +4% physique from crafting, since you gotta push it to 1035 anyway, is quite a bit of spirit dump. Or could fix for better stun res.
Also, why seal and box in this context?
Nope. Just the aa. But it can hit a few, sth like Belgo Shears.
Again i preffered that choice just for the extra proc, nothing more and i mentioned no seal and stormbox as a refference to Lee’s build that makes use of both. Mine is more… Lazy
I thought you said “no seal and box so non-myth amulet.”
Just think about the possibilities You get attack speed, Drop Spider for Hawk for the crits, and you got two points for, dunno, 1 in Aeon for 80 sprit?
EDIT: actually you can take Hawk and keep 2 in Spider for attack speed as is. Sure better.