[] [HC] The Immortal Army - Pet Dervish - Beginner Friendly Pet build! Super fast MC farmer!

No, they have their own movement speed/attack speed that can only be increased via modifiers like this or this.

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Which Skills do you linked in the devotion tree in your Lv100 Fire-Build?
Why do you use there 3 points in Spider and not in Lion?

Whats your opinion about this calc, there are more points in Oathkeeper: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/b28dql72

@Contragor - What a prize in finding a pet build with a Dervish character!
Who would have thought that was even remotely possible?

I am wading my way through this build’s concept and am only at level 58 at the moment with 3 GoE and 2 BS. That amulet that gives an extra blade spirit eludes me at the moment and I have never come across it. As for the Deathstalker!, well I think he sees me coming with my farmer and quickly hides that relic blueprint somewhere out of reach :woozy_face:, but will have many attempts at him by the time my char reaches the level that he can actually use it.

One feature I have added in my situation to give me a useful left hand skill is to bind “Living Shadow” from the “Unknown Soldier” devotion to a 1 point “Phantasmal Blades - Frenetic Throw”. I spam the blades and 2 Living Shadows are usually permanently up at the same time on the battlefield thrashing away at the enemies together with the immortal pets.

This was an accident and not by design as my Dervish was at around level 40 when I started to convert him to the pet build. It was meant to be a pierce damage build and I already had the “Unknown Soldier” devotion. Will see if these Living Shadows are any use later on, but they are definitely helping in the damage department at the moment whilst levelling and searching for the items I require.

In fact, I am actually finding that they are almost permantley proccing and present when attacking with the left hand skill - Liking this a lot.


EDIT : Did a Google and I see these Living Shadow’s summon limit can go up to 3 - definitely staying with them for now, what immortal army can resist an extra 3 reinforcement especially when they are so easy to keep procced. They also appear to be doing some real kick-ass damage as well. This is the first time I have tried this devotion, and so far, very impressed.

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Hi, may i know where have higher drop rate of that extra blade spirit amulet? Please help. Thank you.

It will just be a random drop at no particular place. Just keep bashing away. I have 2,595 hours of play already and have never seen it yet either.

It’s good! I’m actually testing something like this now. The setup I posted is still being improved, it’s not final.

The conduit of the night whispers is rare, but it doesn’t define the build. You can just use any good amulet that boosts the overall damage.

If you choose the fire version, - no need to farm Deathstalker. Nemesis would be the choice as most of its damage is converted to fire in the end.

Random blueprint - https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/11239
Don’t worry, you can use any good amulet for now. The conduit only adds about 10% dps in the end if not less.

Hi i also realised your fire build, devotion points does not indicate which skills to allocate. Can you advise?

I’m currently using it like this, but I don’t know if it really fits … https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2BWobJV

It looks ok, but I would suggest binding flame torrent to the guardians as they can proc it very reliably every 0.5sec.

Here’s the setup I’m testing now - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YNnxgmdV
It works great during levelling but really starts to shine in the end when all the conversions are in place and the seekers have most of their damage as fire. Using Revenant instead of Blind Sage is also a good option.

Meteor Shower have 3 sec. duration and at Lv3 a 3,3 sec cooldown, also 5 meter radius. The guardians bind all and MS proc at the point with very good AoE damage. Mayby binding blade spirit with flame torrent is a better support?!

Sorry for my bad english, is not my native language.

We need to effectively proc all of these:

  1. Flame torrent (0.5 sec cooldown)
  2. Eldritch Fire (1 sec cooldown)
  3. Fissure (1.5 sec cooldown)
  4. Elemental Seeker (1.2 sec cooldown)
  5. Meteor Shower (3.5 sec cooldown)

We have only 3 groups of pets.
Guardians produce the most hits per second.
Blade spirits produce less hits
Nemesis even less hits.
We also have Shadow Strike, Vire’s might, and EoR.
Only EoR can proc Elemental Seeker.
If we bind Guardians to Meteor Shower, and Blade Spirits to Flame torrent, then how would you proc Fissure and Eldritch fire? Nemesis is ok for Fissure but what about Eldritch fire? You need to apply it to multiple mobs fast enough. You would have to add another active skill to your char?

say have you considered a version using word of solael https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/11692 instead of barthollem’s gavel?

Added some [levelling] comparison vids - Pet Dervish vs Pet Conjurer, including GT links and char files!

Level 42-43 -Alkamos

Level 42 - Mad Queen

Level 50 - Fleshworks and Final Boss -
Conjurer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mev6sFvpJE&feature=youtu.be
Dervish - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=husczID49QE&feature=youtu.be

Level 53 Dummy test -

Level 60 Elite - Dummy Test -
More offensive Conjurer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiPkFYkHu-g&feature=youtu.be
The dervish is still 2x faster.

First three bosses in Elite -


Yes. This would force you to go the vitality route. Which means you would have to convert both guardians and blade spirits + nemesis (or drop nemesis) damage into vitality. Can we make this conversion? Because if not, then it would be weaker. The fire version has 90% of cold, pierce, and most physical damage converted for all our pets.

We could use something like this https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/9001
It helps with conversion but then you will endup losing 1 guardian to get 3 blade spirits.

well it obviously wouldn’t work on the fire version, I wonder how it would affect the acid version

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And use something like Mad Queen’s Claw for pierce to acid conversion? Might be a good option to test!

my mistake, i hadn’t considered elemental seeker when i wrote my text

but in fact , i have tested on the dummy that the Guardian’s Cleave and the Burning DoTs of this skill do stack when i have 2 Guardians

They do stack, at least some component does. Pretty sure the burn damage from Cleave does stack.

but Evil_Baka said it wont stack , eww…now im very confused , i doubt that Bleeding damage of Blade Spirit do stack too . Only experiment can find out