[] My Krieg Death knight ( 0 green dw mele ) SR83

Hi. I finally got all the pieces to run this and was wondering if there are any changes to the build with regards to the latest patch?

Aether corruption skill does not longer provide aether rr. Worse performance is expected.

I have no idea why Zolhans technique is used (dps loss on DW and S&B builds) and why squad tactics is at 15/12 and not 12/12 and deadly momentum 14/12 and not 12/12

Thanks for the reply. Krieg aether DK was one of builds I wanted to try after starting out. But after having 2 geared characters now that looks less than likely more than ever. I just checked the skills page and you’re right. Hope Zantai buffs this at least in the next patch :frowning: