[]need advice DW melee Warlock struggle in crucible 150-170

Thank you for your comment!!

Yeah, single boss doesn’t matter, I eventually kill it.
But multiple bosses, easily overwhelmed :sweat_smile:
I’m trying several setups now…with @sir_spanksalot’s help :smile:
But damage-wise, Witchfire makes huge difference.
It’s certainly a must :thinking:

Even if you don’t care about dps and clear times you need to up your damage for the sake of sustain. Life steal. And up life steal, too.

Especialy for DW melee :wink: I’m sure I have learned that.

Anyway, I managed to beat cruci 150-170 naked, using this setup.
Poor piloting, lot of kiting, miserable, but success (if I can say) on the 1st try.
Maybe around 20+min?(I wasn’t timing nor recording, no one wants to watch that video anyway)
Big thanks to @sir_spanksalot! Lots of his brilliant ideas!

I will ask him if it’s OK to present his initial suggestion and his video in this topic.