GT (buffed/bannered): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/dVbP8X8N
YT (buffed/bannered): https://youtu.be/98JpC2nIXdA
GT (naked): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eZP5DkGN
YT (naked): To be added
YT (SR): To be added
Acid damage has always been one of my favorite damage types, and radaggan is a set I’ve been trying to make competitive ever since its introduction in AoM.
The spec still needs to be polished and tested in SR so this guide shall remain uncompleted till that’s done.
A quick explanation behind the key factors responsible for the specs success…
Acid builds have long be known to suffer from a sheer lack of stats - OA, DA, CC-res, crit damage
The solution therefore was to adopt a devotion pathing which sought to address these limitations.
In doing so, however, I was forced to sacrifice valuable %damage on a spec with only a single mastery supporting acid damage.
To fix this new problem, I took a page out of @valinov’s book and went HAM on the spirit dump - this was also necessary to fix radaggan’s crazy energy consumption.
Eldritch sun was also taken to for its OA shred to help alleviate the severely lacking DA.
All in all, with seal of annihilation, murmur, and pox, it is possible to stack ~400 - 500 OA shred.
In a single word, aeon’s.
Despite its absolute lack of phys res, radaggan is actually a surprisingly tanky set because of the mods to MoT.
Using aeon’s allows the pilot to obtain double MoT cast with a 2 - 3s window between them.
If timed right, and with enough experience, this issue can be avoided entirely.
A more defensive set-up for those interested would be to drop DG for wendigo.
Armor was another interesting find here. Seeing that most of the damage spikes suffered by this spec comes from physical damage, it actually makes sense to go for an armor/HP stack via enchanted earth, despite the inherently low armor rating of caster-gear.