Hi guys ! (This is my first guide and my english is not perfect so i’ll try my best to make it clear )
Hellhounds got some love in last patch and they are now viable as main pets so I decided to give it a try ! I choose to go for a conjurer because it’s simply the best option for elemental pet build thanks to the additional RR from wind devil. It also brings some nice defenses and huge crit buff from Primal Bond.
The build has a strong dps and high survivability (23.5k HP - 3k DA - 52% phys res and Ishtak/Giant’s blood). We have less than 2 sec CD on Hellhounds, so there’s no problem if they dies, we can re-summon them instantly.
I chose to go full fire damage with these rings :
They are pretty hard to get : You drop it from Khonsar (one of the seven Magis) in Forgotten God rogue-like dungeon and the drop rate is very low (~2%). It took me about 100 runs just to get one and I had to trade the second (I recommend you to do it this way).
They allows us to deal mostly fire damage with pets so we can take full advantage of all fire buffs and RR (up to 120). The build is not really playable without it or at least, not this way
I’m also using Lost Souls set for an additional Hound, Fleshwarped Archive offhand for more dps/cdr (you can buy it in Steelcap District vendor, next to the blacksmith) and The Overseer medal (You can buy blueprint at Malmouth Resistance vendor once you’re revered) wich is probably the best dps option. These are the core items for the build
Rest of the gear is pretty common and you can tweak it as you want. You can, for example, replace Mogdrogen’s Ardor with Primal Instinct/Bysmiel’s Domination or replace Overseer with Mark of Unlife for more defense. I’m using Beastcaller chest because I need pet elem resistance, but if I can get a nice rare pants with high res, i’ll switch to Fiendmaster Raiment for more dps and chaos res.
I just put as much point as possible in hellhounds and utility. Familiar and Briathorn are just there for buffs and devotion procs :
For the devotions, I tried different setups and I had the best results with the current one. For more dps, you can go with Mogdrogen/Dying god or Meteor Shower for clearing, but you will be way more squishy, so be carefull !
- Ishtak is just too good to drop since we don’t have any taunt in this build.
- Giant’s blood adds some nice regen
- Sheperd’s crook and Staff of Rattosh for dps
- Elemental storm/Eldritch Fire gives huge RR
- Flame Torrent deals only fire and is very good on hounds
I’m still pushing SR and right now I cleared shard 82 without buffs/potions. I died a few times but it was pretty smooth overall and I think I can go a lot deeper
I’ll add more videos of boss kills/SR/Crucible later.
SR 75
If you have any question or suggestion, i’ll be glad to hear it !