[] The Lone Avenger - Deathmarked based, Cold RF Dervish

I just started playing again and I have some noob questions,
Before trying new stuff Im trying to finish a cold deathmarked shadowstrike build from 1.0.2-1.0.7, my goal is to clear 170 consistently, maybe try high lvl SR once I have my items, no idea If non-boss targeted build can clear ravager/mog.
However deathmarked and shadowstrike doesnt seems to have any synergy at lv 94, is my build trying to do dead? Most of the deathmarked build Ive seen are auto-attack builds, is deathmarked set designed for dual blade skill tree only?
If I want to do a cold lv26 shadow strike build, is ya1’s Morgoneth Infiltrator the only meta option? However that build seems very hard to obtain and Im not into GDstash yet, still having fun farming.
Is shadow strike even a A tier spell, not many new builds build around shadow strike. :frowning: