[] The Lone Avenger - Deathmarked based, Cold RF Dervish

1st March 2020 Update 1: Updated for new patch. Increasing DPS sheet by 36%, increasing clear time significantly, increasing tankiness. All around better.

The Build

with all permanent buff + Pneumatic Burst, Lethal Assault, Ascension, and Righteous Fervor charges.
DPS shown is Righteous Fervor.

Old setup with all purple and old item:

Build Feature


  • Pure Fluid DW Melee gameplay
  • 12 sec dummy kill :stuck_out_tongue:


  • That conduit might get deleted next patch… :crazy_face:
Build Overview Decided to revisit this build again due to amazing performance from @banana_peel's trickster and blademaster DM.

This is a deathmarked build that has been adjusted based on the latest patch, discussion, and new findings. Pure autoattacker with cold RF conduit modifier converting all phys and fire to cold. So strong, so tanky, killing dummy in 12 sec, kuba is no problem. All in all, a very comfortable and all around build.

Few pointers on some changes:

  • Korvaak devo is still maintained. Dying god is nerfed too much and I think it’s not worth to take aside from vitality/chaos build. Korvaak’s nodes are good and proc is defensively and offensively good. It is really valuable in a high weapon damage build such as this. I think it will be in quite a majority of cold and aether build in the future.
  • Getting hardcap lethal assault is better than barbaros proc, especially if you already have your attack speed cap.
  • Mark of dark dreams is better than undying oath. Extra rank to night’s chill, damage, and range kill mob faster and gives better clear time. Also, it’s craftable!
  • In celestial kills or SR, undying oath might be better. However the stats are lacking aside from flat damage.
  • Putting extra points to WPS aside from its breaking point (max chance or extra projectiles) IS NEVER WORTH IT. In this build I overcap elemental awakening for extra frostburn and %elemental+frostburn. Frostburn got quite significant that you don’t need to kill your enemy to every last drop of health.
Equipment Choices

Craft at least 2 for slow res, the rest is whatever you want. Stun res or %physique would be good. Get as much pierce>cold and acid>cold conversion as possible. Get max attack speed.

Core Items:
Deathmarked’s Shadow.
Dread Sigils of Alkamos Set. [converting some pierce to cold, good stats overall, and decent proc]
Amulet: Conduit of Divine Whispers with cold Righteous Fervor skill mod. [If you got different res than mine, just rearrange the components and augments to fit your needs]

Supporting Items:

Pants: Kubacabra’s Chausses. [For hardcapping lethal assault, get the one with a lot of resist]
Alternative Pants: Mythical Deathwhisper Leggings. [Alternative purple pants, however you will need to craft other items to cover for stun res]
Gloves: Mythical Iceskorn Talons. [Further overcapping Lethal Assault, further strengthening cold RF]
Boots: Morgoneth’s Step. [Very good new cold boots that has reliable proc with damage reduction!]
Belt: Mythical Spellbreaker Waistguard. [One of the two +nightbade belt, supporting cold damage and gives aether resistance]
Medal: Mythical Mark of Dark Dreams. [Extra range, damage, and rank to night’s chill. Also very good stats.]
Relic: Nidalla’s Outbreak. [Current best Nightblade relic, especially because we are converting pierce damage. Get completion bonus for lethal assault and shadow step]
Movement Rune: Rune of Amatok’s Breath


Cold based Devotion with Korvaak!

Rumor > to Shadow Strike
Raise the Dead > to Amarasta’s Blade Burst
Hand of Ultos > to Summon Guardian of Empyrion
Blizzard > to Blade Spirit
Eye of Korvaak > to Righteous Fervor
Ghoulish Hunger > to whatever permanent buff


LMB: Righteous Fervor
RMB: Shadow Strike
Mouse scroll up/down: Reaper’s Mark
Keyboard 1: Movement Rune
Keyboard 2: Amarasta’s Blade Burst
Keyboard 4: Ascension
Keyboard 5: Pneumatic Burst

Standard procedure:
Summon 2 blade spirit and 2 GoE before action.
Press to activate Pneumatic burst Ensure it to always be active and/or save it for heal.
Scroll up/down to cast reaper’s mark, give it once to every horde of enemy
Shadow strike in triggering rumor.
Cast ABB every 3 seconds.
Then hold RF button.

Cast ascension for dealing with bosses and cold-resistant enemies. Or you can just press it everytime it’s ready.

Build Performance Crucible:

New video with 3 buff, 3 L1 storm beacon, and 1 L2 storm beacon:

5:25 clear time. Current fastest, slowest is 5:40. It kills quickly, can’t die in cruci. Always get 4 cruci clear in one duration of the buffs.

Feels like it can go even faster, but I am not really a kickass pilot and I want to move on to new things… :stuck_out_tongue: Video with 4 buff without banner or beacon:

7:30 clear time.

Shattered Realm:
Haven’t checked yet. Should be good though

Updated this build for the new patch. Just need to give deathmarked set the justice. :wink:


Reserve for nothing…

My first build for FG,nope you’re misleading people:D

LOL, I mean my first posted build… :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn, how did you remake them so fast? Were you smart enough to save them in text files or something? :slight_smile:

I still have my bonemonger’s text somewhere, so that’s easy.
About the deathmarked, I still have the thread open in one of my chrome tabs. For some reason, that tab is not updated to the forum rollback. So I just copy the text and redo the formatting… :stuck_out_tongue:

Lucky guy:p.I hope will see new builds from you.

The cold RF conduit is buffed and convert fire to cold also.
This is quite a surprise from crate. This build should be even crazier. Will check tomorrow for cruci time.

Updated this Deathmarked Dervish for the new Make it on par to the current modern power,
Just need to do deathmarked the justice… :laughing:


Damn that sheet DPS is so hot, I mean cold.

Also clear time is very impressive. My DM builds are usually so slow. Point is turned out I can’t play DW melee auto attacker despite my previous claims. And you, despite being caster fan can achieve such times with little bit awkward class combo for cold DW melee build. Hmmm :thinking:


Very nice. Good itemization and smart thinking on Korvaak, both the map and binding. This guy is probably on the level with BM.
I wanted to make 9 DM builds for all possible class combos but time is limited!

If you’d want to make it faster, i’d go with smth like this:

Can probably go below 5mins. But after this patch nerfs all “good” Crucible times are bittersweet. It’s not even viable to farm Crucible anymore :pensive: Poor us

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I play everything that’s fun, not just caster… :rofl:

Here is the save file if you’re interested:
_Thorfinn.zip (744.1 KB)

Putting the points to nightfall and NJE like your trickster? Yeah, I haven’t tried that as I think this guy can’t overcap NJE. I might try it next. Probably can shave off 10-15 sec in my hand.

But careful now, next patch might omit this conduit altogether… :rofl:

Because you always build yours super glassy… :laughing:
You need to get used to the nerfs. Though I usually move on to a new concept and only revisit build that I like very much :rofl:.

I am just grateful that Crate didnt destroy storm beacon and buffed other beacon. Next run maybe trying deathchill beacon.

I don’t think that conduit is op, it’s like Korba helm for Trickster. What i’m afraid of is Nightfall and cold devos nerfs without giving anything back to Nightblade.

It’s not about that, i can rebuild my glass cannons just fine. It’s just that with such severe nerfs to Crucible performance there is no loot compensation. So really what’s the point of making a build guide for Crucible? Farming shards is safer, easier and now - it’s even faster. So Crucible lost it’s only redeeming quality for legit players.

I am joking… :stuck_out_tongue:
I said that because they said conduit is only to enable niche build, while this build is not niche at all.

What i am afraid of is all of the unjustified nerf still there and Crate stop updating and announcing the final GD version with trashy RoH and stormbox…

I honestly don’t know.
We play cruci and keep challenging it patch by patch because it’s fun. It’s also because we have all the gear available, and can easily test new things with GDstash. Unfortunately, crate always do balancing around this top end and GDstashing community.

I don’t want to say how casual or legit player do with all the patches change, because the fanboys will tell me that I don’t know anything about them.

IMO, just let it be. It doesn’t affect us anyway because we can just make another build if one got destroyed by patch… :rofl:

Oh man this feels like DM Infiltrator v3 - stronger and better in any area. I feel Z`s gaze here :rofl:

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Fun fact, when jabby was starting here he was a DW guy :p.

@thejabrixone and everyone else - 3+3+1 is sustainable for farming?

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I tested deathmarked infiltrator at with a twist inspired from banana’s trickster:
Clear time is more or less similar or a bit faster than dervish, so they are quite comparable… :laughing:

I am honored that you still remember my early GD days, senpai!!! :sob:

It’s 2 tribute short. You will end up with 98 tribute after clearing 3 or 4 cruci. So need to do baby run once in a while.

For full 100 tribute, you can do run with 3buff + 4 L1 beacons/banners, it’s actually cheaper than 3+1 L3 beacon/banner. The run is faster and more comfortable because no enemy stuck in the spawn point.


I just started playing again and I have some noob questions,
Before trying new stuff Im trying to finish a cold deathmarked shadowstrike build from 1.0.2-1.0.7, my goal is to clear 170 consistently, maybe try high lvl SR once I have my items, no idea If non-boss targeted build can clear ravager/mog.
However deathmarked and shadowstrike doesnt seems to have any synergy at lv 94, is my build trying to do dead? Most of the deathmarked build Ive seen are auto-attack builds, is deathmarked set designed for dual blade skill tree only?
If I want to do a cold lv26 shadow strike build, is ya1’s Morgoneth Infiltrator the only meta option? However that build seems very hard to obtain and Im not into GDstash yet, still having fun farming.
Is shadow strike even a A tier spell, not many new builds build around shadow strike. :frowning:

yeah, deathmarked set has been remodeled to support Nightblade’s WPS fully. However you can still make it as shadow striker with some twist (my gt link above):

You can have 26/16 SS by using slithscale pants.

Those build is comparable to this dervish and actually can clear a bit faster.

If you want to do morgoneth’s infiltrator with obtainable items, here:

I plan to update it in the near future also with the new patch.

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thanks for the quick reply, look forward to try both of your build.
Can I swap 1 cold stone for shard of baronath on nex & ortus? Is Baronath worth it or 5 flat dmg is better? Im ok with more button inputs.
although nex & ortus give nice skill levels, does this item combo make sense to you(or experienced players)? seems like one of the dmg will always be ignored unless doing some niche build.

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