Hi all,
I’ve been playing Grimdawn for a few months now, and I’ve started with that beginner build, and I’ve eventually decided to post a feedback and ask for advice possibly.
The whole leveling went like a breeze thanks to the easy availability of gear for the class : Boneshield of Decay, Bonespile which I’ve used instead of Boneblade because of the needed cunning, and later Ascendant source that can roll very high vitality damage. I’ve found it to be an excellent weapon, easy to vendor farm in Malmouth, until I got Fang of Ch’ton, just a few days ago. By the way, I fail to see how Skull of Gul’Amash can compete against Bonewall for this build, especially as you can roll a high phys resist on the shield, which I feel is a good tradeoff for the skull’s ward (I’ve tried both).
I did the whole campaign without issue, but I had a few close calls. Eventually, I went farming Dark One’s set and this is where I hit my first hard wall, against Lokarr (because yeah, I had to pay him a visit while being here…). After some experiment, I tried playing without dying god and I find it much safer actually, then I’ve tried switching the whole devotions route to that of Dahbadu’s Wildblood build. It’s a lot more safe now and so here my current iteration of the build : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/62aG0YmZ
SR: I’m going through them, only at 30 for now. It’s so long to go through them.
Crucible: I’ve not tried much, and I feel the build is not ideal because of its lack of mobility to reach the waves
Lokarr: faced tank without any problem, with no additional potion. I haven’t died a single time since I’ve change the devo route against him.
Ravager of Mind: killed in ultimate without any potion, fully face tank. However I miss A LOT because of my very low OA. The change of devo route didn’t help here, Dying God was giving a fair bunch.
Ravager of Soul: easily killed in elite
Mogdronen: fully faced tank in elite without any potion. Also fully faced tank in ultimate with one resist lightning potion. I had lots of close calls on the end though ; I had to use one aether cluster.
Crate : ha ha, she face rolled me totally
Callagadra: she face rolled me… in elite -_-
From those fights, the biggest issue I see in my setup is very low OA and DA, even though the build can shred 500 OA. I’m working on improving my MIs to get more, possibly by trading damage for it (“of Decay” on the shield…). But I feel this will improve the values only so much as I don’t have much % OA/DA. Any idea on how to improve those values substantially?
This is my first post here btw, pleased to meet you fellow players
Thanks for the patience on reading my WoT :p.
edit: fixing hyperlinks…
edit 2: messed up with build calculator, plenty of room for improvements on the MIs. Also, using two Mythical Signets of the Damned, Mythical Wendigo Bane and Skull of Gull’Amash bring me to around 2.8k OA / 2.6k DA, at the cost of 2k life and 12% phys res.