[] Beginner's vitality caster Conjurer guide, how to build monster build from the scratch! Suitable for first character

Loghorrean, the final boss of the base game. We usually call him Log or Loggie.

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I was not sure if he is dangerous for me so i tried that he dont hit me. The strongest bosses till now are Kravall 1st and 2nd is The endboss of FG. In elite i think i wont fight Kravall.

Got Solaels Decimation now :slight_smile:

Hi mate!

I really like your beginner’s’ guides collection! quite varied :smiley: and quite a headache as so many things to chose from :wink:

Right now I am running The Coyote’s physical FW Warlord. SSF. mid ultimate. a real beast. my first spec.

Out of your beginner’s builds , what would be the 3 strongest ones (by strongest I mean a nice balance between dmg output vs mobs and single targets and survivability).

I am looking for a 2nd spec, but wouldn’t like it to be a stepdown from my current one :smiley:


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Good question, I like Conjurer for tankiness and area damage, for single target/defense I would go DW Nightblade like acid Dervish, maybe 2H melee like Warder or Blade Arc Witchblade/Death Knight.

All from above have beginners guides, you can check in this thread: Beginner build guides Compendium (for AoM + FG expansions) - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum


@Jacko you can never go wrong with a vitality caster, very forgiving build thanks to huge life steal and easy to obtain leveling items. Like conjurer using seal of consumption, converted storm totem and bloody pox, or any necromancer build with ravenous earth as main skill (cabalist, ritualist, oppressor) :slight_smile: Also AAR casters are huge damage and can have good sustain too! Here you have many options for class, warlock, spellbinder, templar, sorc, mage hunter :slight_smile:

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Thank you! even bigger headache :smiley:

it wouldn’t be a stepdown from the physical forcewave Warlord, will it?

EDIT: I mean, my 1st spec set up (kind of) a benchmark :smiley: so, another spec has got to live up to the mark already set :wink:


Depends on so many factors. Its like asking if pizza is better than hamburger.

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good point! I like both, but…picca to go and burger homemade (by myself).

I mean 3 things:

  • trash clearspeed
  • single target damage
  • sustain/survivability

Depends on what your gear is.

But I can tell you this, vitality casters are among (together with FW builds) among the most popular starter builds for a reason… :wink:

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OK, I will look for a vit caster that tickles my fancy then!

standard question - which one do you recommend?

I like cabalist for its inherit tankyness with both possession and blood of dreeg, however conjurer has slightly more end-game advantage once you get insane gear. Depends on what skill you wanna use. You can perhaps find some game play videos and see which one looks most fun for you.

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Cabalist - pet build? Are pet build strong in GD?

I will look at the skills tonight then.

EDIT: actually I will take a look now…a caster would be a nice change of pace from FW Warlord.

Where did I mention pet build? :confused:
I said Cabalist, not pets, right?

Not if you ask @Maya :smiley:

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Checking out the skills now :smiley:


I saw Maya’s pet build list, but personally I hate pet builds. On my Warlord the 2 guardians are set and forget and debuff stuff but me doing all da damage :wink:

You can do pets with conjurer too, and cabalist is not the worst choice either, same with ritualist.

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pets not right up my ally…:wink:

You kicked them out? But it’s cold :ice_cube:

Conjurer (and Cabalist) are great vitality casters, you can’t go wrong with them.


I did level up a vitality archon like 6 months ago (not SSF though) and it was a blast! But the limit of possible endgame archon builds (as mentioned in x1x1’s ranking thread the class lack identity really) I did not consider doing some kind of guide for it. I tried to make a weird retaliation build out of it eventually but nah, rather do warder, sentinel or warlord in that case too…


Guardians are player scaled Pets or Pseudo Pets.
On an actual Pet build, you won’t be doing much damage since you will need to focus on the Pet side of things. Unless you go Hybrid with Reap Spirits, which seems possible now.