[] Noctirn Infiltrator - Pierce SS Vanilla vibes :)


I’ve sent you an answer in the video comment

Probably this medal with nice affixes may be a nice addition to this build


especially with capping Nightfall to 22/12.


I know. This medal was added to GD long after I posted this build.

I tested the medal in November last year but didn’t go through with the results I had in mind (even though the vid bellow has better kill time) therefore the video remains unlisted until maybe one day I try again

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GLbLvMb4ao - calc is in the vid as well

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Imma just leave this here xD


Keeping it under the radar? :wink:
Havent seen the weapon, and don’t have it in my 1900 item GD Item collector…
Random drop or farmable? Cant see on my phone…

drops better from particular Monster Totems https://grimdawn.fandom.com/wiki/Monster_Totems
but it’s also a random drop


Great, I didnt know that!
Ill keep an eye out for savage totems then! :slight_smile:

I dont mind. Its not like anyone can go as fast…not to mention this is a full damage spec!

I’m glad if I can reach 10% of your tempo… :smiley:

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Thank you for the kind words! You will if you practice! I remember the time when i was happy with a 5min run on aar clairvoyant, and now im going constantly under 4.30 despite the several huge nerfs it suffered. Practice and perseverance are a bliss.

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8min runs are way less stressful than 5mins ones, imo :sweat_smile:

What’s the hurry? :sweat_smile: Killing Calla in 1 min or 5min? Sure might be important if you wanna farm for that perfect rolled helmet but otherwise? :sweat_smile:


also weird how often on those “blazing” fast runs, the health bar tend to dip a fair bit lower, adding additional layers of sweat :rofl:

:slight_smile: As a teacher, that is my mantra to my students…
But me, I suck at this… And I don’t have any (not the slightest…) interest in Crucible and SR…
I admire all you skilled pilots and game-engineers that excels in crafting and steering your toon’s like it’s only a matter of waltz and not stepping on the wrong toe…
I love to watch, and dream…
When I self play I have to very loudly repeat to myself…

This is a very welcoming community! I think Crate helped to foster it to be open, help- and playful…

I think, this summer I might plan for killing Calla…
But that may just be my megalomaniac selfboasting me speaking… If it is, then it will be later… perhaps…
Insh Allah…
“Standing on one leg howling at the moon the 29th of february with a free bill from a lawyer in a secure bite of teeth that never been drilled by sadistic wannabees that didn’t make it to law or medical school…”
… Hmmm, That might work! :thinking:

Ill be back!.. (I hope…)

Time to update this pierce stealth killer?

I seen some vid + build by @TomoDaK so might just well post it here since OP is not active

Infiltrator, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

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