Shield-wielding citer on Deception of Dreeg set.
Main off skills - Evil Dreeg’s Eye, Aegis of Menhir
Support Skills - Bloody Pox, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Ascension, Guardian of Empyrion
Passive Skills - Path of The Three, Presence of Virtue, Resilience, Safeguard
Can close 80 SR:
- Resilient enough to survive on high SR.
- Huge physical resist >60.
- Good mass damage.
- Can be 75% of the time under Ascension due to Time Deletion
- Low single target damage.
- No so high DA and armor.
- Not so easy to play without GrimInternals because of the necessity of being aware of all cooldowns.
Room for improvement:
- Suppose to replace rings with Rings of Shuroth and craft better boots.
- Completely upgrade Stone Form and Time Dilation proc
- Replace Deception of Dreeg set with Daega set + Conduit + some magic weapon.