[] Full Spirit Clairvoyant AAR Binder vs Naked Crucible

4 buffs means you take all the 4 buffs for damage, resistances, cc res, oa, da feom the npc, the 3 banners which are actually storm beacons are there for extra AoE and RR. Honestly its mostly for show off. Standard runs are with 3 buffs (no ulzuin’s pact) and 1 maxed vanguard banner.

When ppl say X+Y runs, X is number of blessings, and Y is a number of banners/beacons. In Crucible of Death, 3+1 is almost always all blessings without Ulzuin and lvl3 Vanguard Banner at bottom-left. 4+3 will be all blessing and 3 lvl1 Stormcaller beacons. 3+4 would be 3 blessings and 4 beacons.


Thank you both! Going to try both setups tonight. Not a lot of spellbinder discussion atm, so seeing such speedy responses here is great.

So how hard was this hit by the patch?

I posted a clairvoyant run in the patch notes topic. Was a 4.45 run :smiley:

Oh! I completely missed that, I will check it out.

New video added!


GZ again to a job well done Roman! :sunglasses: :clinking_glasses:

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Great job romie, Crate to rename AAR to Romans Aether Ray


Ty ty. Wanna thank mom and dad :rofl:


Thank you Critt. That would be an honor tbh :XD.

Well done Roman, nice take on the classic Clairvoyant binder! I am playing my non-clairvoyant version in the last months, I didnt try naked crucible but 3 blessings one is extremely fast. And it works in SR too, until shard 80 it’s nearly impossible to fail unless you do something terrible in the boss room.

Aether AAR binder, despite some nerfs to itemization in, is still an amazing caster, especially with good piloting.

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@romanN1 You should try the devastation off hand before they fix it. It currently has an extra 20% CDR that it shouldn’t.


Ty very much man. I have a non set version too. But its the same ptinciple, very squishy. I would dare try that one xD.

@Plasmodermic i tried but i lose too much aar dmg and leech. The damage isnt what it used to be anymore. As a refference, pre nerf clairvoyant had like 550k max crit, now it has 300k on 4buffs.

What kind of times are you getting now?


I was getting 4:30 times with this, I think there’s some potential for 4 minutes even

Its a fail, but the idea is there

@Plasmodermic but i definitely wanna try yours too. Looks juicy

I used a similar concept in the last patch, but with aether PRM, Anasteria helmet, Slathsarr medal and 26/16 Devastation, it was a pretty squishy sub 5 min build (nearly 4k OA and 110% overall crit multi from gear / mastery / devotions on PRM) but it was insanely fun. Sadly, it got pretty destroyed with, because of aether Panetti conduit removal. :frowning:

Ez, you can do this. Try other options.

damn, we have fallen by that much huh?

Yep /10char