[] Full Spirit Clairvoyant AAR Binder vs Naked Crucible

Increased adcth man.

Basically you get 10% more adcth from the lifeleech reduction alone, not to mention how that benefits disintegration too.

Reasons why rattosh: disintegration converted to vitality and vitality decay, more RR added - > more dmg output, leech RR is very good when you have both revenant and HoS for adtch. And last but not least, clairvoyant is aether+vitality, rattosh gives bonuses to both, and the proc itself also deals both aether and vitality damage.

In Ultimate, what is the base Life Leech Resistance on monsters, something like 90%? That -8% LL RR on Rattosh is HUGE then. I never thought about using Rattosh with Clairvoyant for AAR, but it certainly makes perfect sense!

Oh, I get it nowā€¦ Average nemesis LL res is 85% so itā€™s 77% now. Used to leech at 15%, now does at 23%. Means your sustain is (23-15)/15=>53% higher. Sound mighty. Butā€¦ in fact all that is is that instead (17% x 24% =) 4% adcth to AAR you get 6% against nemeses. Not a big wow, honestly. Haunted Steel + Ghoul on a regular binder beats it big time. Add a Bat and thereā€™s really no discussion. I think thereā€™s some exaggeration here.

Anyway, itā€™s just sustain. So itā€™s not that it tanks 3 nems per usual. Itā€™s just happens to do that if lucky not to get one-shot.

Also, the argument that Ratosh is tankier because it gives more dmg is doesnā€™t really convince me because standard aether oriented devotions (plus the little lightning you can save from that vitality conversion (~23% with Fleshwarped Tome) gives most dmg recorded. That is partially because aether devo route offers way more oa and crit dmg.

I donā€™t really agree that this was the intent for Clair. Canā€™t say I read Zā€™s mind but I bet my money itā€™s nothing more than protective conversion. It was pretty clear when Z meganerfed every single item I used on my first binder that defied the Clair set intent and went for max flat. Even the God-innocent Anasteria helmet, lol. Which is kinda hilarious because then the arcanist overbuffs made AAR just about as strong as Agrivix used to be. Digressing, sorryā€¦

Oh, and I donā€™t mean to criticize the build. Itā€™s very well made and all. Just that I donā€™t really see the point and wasnā€™t convinced. @romanN1 Would you mind dropping the save folder in .zip here?

With the advancements in AoM and FG thereā€™s certainly more than one way to make a build shine.

Why canā€™t we just embrace diversity and take each variation (especially when itā€™s obviously good) at face value. Who needs convincing and by what? The results are here, the man made a video and the results are consistent. He played a lot, and still does. I only did 10 runs with it and got 5:12 cause iā€™m a bit of an AAR noob, barely played AAR in a long time. But he gets under 5:10 regularly with better positioning

Full Aether binder is super good, weā€™ve known this since AoM and now with AAR being so powerful, full Aether AAR binder is alo going to be beastly.

But this build has itā€™s own advantages. And the setup presented is more offensive, you can be a bit more defensive at the cost of a few seconds and be absolutely immortal.

The only thing that holds this build back from absolute godly times is the lack of TD for Devastattion (not mirror or mot)`

Tbh i dont think TD for devastation is necessary. I would rather love it for Astral Rifts for faster positioning. But yeah its clearly something extra. Anyway, people should really take into consideration that the build is greenless. And the time could be a lot better on the hands of a better pilot or a better PC! And regarding the extra 2% adtch to aar (from 4 to 6%), this number sounds little, but considering the 430k dmg, 2% might make the difference.

I gotta admit times are greatā€¦ Ulzuin blessing is a big boost, though, AAR rides on oa.

Apropos oa, Iā€™m sure you could cut down on times even more by moving points to Inner Focus, maxing it is no-brained imo with full spirit dump (from Siphon and Arcane Will).

Well, everyone uses ulzuin boost in cruci :)). I considered soft caping arcane will and shifting points to inner focus but the difference in spirit wasnt that wowā€¦and i decided that the extra % all damage is more usefull than an extra almost 100 oa. Needs consistent testing to see if its really better. Im currently running a slightly different setup that feels better. I get more consistent times under 5:10 with it. Its just a matter of spawns, no spawn bugs and mutators rn.

Everyone uses whatever they feel like, sure, but I thought standard runs are 3+1. Usually Ulzuin is omitted, or Empyrion for the brave.

Iā€™m taking out of my ass but dmg from +% spirit should be better than what you get from Arcane Will if you take AW uptime into account. But even if not, 100 oa is a huge difference. Keep in mind you have almost 150% crit dmg on AAR.

Improved run added. 4:59 if not taking the first second into account :smiley:

Since rattosh active percentage is so low, doesnt it make more sense to put devestation on it for the debuff and revenant on the aether corruption?

Also while this is absurdly fast, how is it performing in SR?

I reached SR90 last night. (End with CTD)
I started dying frequently from around SR85 and accumulated quite a few deaths. lol
But, probably a good pilot with a good spec PC should be able to go further.

Cant tell. I dont do SR, just Crucible. For SR i would probably just spec for physique. Rattosh on devastation means applying it rare too. Currently using it on RE, works better.

Thatā€™s a record on a no-green binder this patch. You did 3 blessings or 4?

Can you please drop your save files? I wanna take it for a spin but have no time to assemble it myself. You just zip the char folder and drag&drop on the forum. Thanks.

New video added. 4:56 run, no damage mutators.

A new record holder is in town boys. 4:45 Full purple, Random mutators.


Sick results. Whatā€™s the success % of such a glass cannon? Or does DA from 4th buff + insane leeching ability forgives everything?

Well timed mirrors and MoTs mostly.

Amazing results man.

Congratulations on piloting this bad boy and the concept again

Ty Fluff! Couldnt done it without your guidance Sir!