[] [Spellbinder] Eldritch Rain

Not perfect but got an ok amulet and made changes to legs/augments to fit it in. Guide is updated.

Short update for
  • Only gear change that needs to be made is to swap the Conduit of Arcane Whispers out for a Gaze of Ungoliax - it is tailor-made for us. This’ll also give you 2 extra points in Ill Omen, move those to Overload.
    Try to farm one with Elemental, Acid or Aether resistance. I myself am still in the process of getting one I’m happy with. Once I do, I will update the initial post with a new character window. Links for v1.1.6.2 will be archived below.

  • Overall, it seems like damage has increased. Without even swapping out the Conduit, sheet DPS on Acid Purge with Hungering Void went from ~100k in to ~115k in and I expect it to increase a tiny bit more with a good amulet. As mentioned above, Ungoliax’s amulet also skyrockets our Devastation damage and means we can have it active almost all the time. RR seems roughly the same as well, just shifted from Haunt to Ill Omen.

Rest in peace Green Meteors as we've moved on to Pink/Purple Meteors.

v1.1.6.2 Grimtools

The helmet is crafted for stun resistance, hence why I have 40% in-game and 30% on the grimtools link.