[] Conjurer of the Dark Arts - 6:30m Crucible 150-170, "naked" Crucible, SR 85+, all Celestials, no greens immortal Conjurer

Nope, nothing changed. Before getting Lantern you have to get something else to get to 10 greens, then get lantern, then remove that “something else” (but you gotta have 10 greens left when you remove it).

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Well there. It happened. Another first for me. I have a total of about 800 Hours in the game with 5 lvl 100 toons and This build beats tham ALL by a mile. Went to the tomb of the heretic and made morgoneth my B!@#ch. That was fun. Now I turn into a farmer.:heart_eyes::grin::partying_face:


i finally facetanked Ravager of Flesh with this build. I had to hunt for max phys res wendigomane leggins, and swapped seal to seal of might on weapon. Popped all potions too.

I have 36% phys res now, and it still was lucky. Anything below this value i think u need to kite like in a video, and facetanking would not be possible

I did not kite in the video and it wasn’t hard.

Maybe “of Flesh” Ravager hits stronger, I dunno

Oh yeah. I have exact same build as you except little more phys res cause of seal of might. Ravager of Flesh definitely hits waaay harder

I found Vampiric Bonewall with 20% phys resist. I wanted to compare its damage to Skull of gul ’ amash on Ravager of flesh - did 2 tries with each.

With Skull, i got 3:30 and 3:35 kill time.
With Bonewall, i got 4:45 and 4:55 kill time.

I have no clue, why the difference in damage is so big. Only difference in stats in favour of Skull of gul’amash is: 115 more OA, 30% more vit damage, and 3% more RR cause of +3 to devouring swarm. So it should be like 10% more damage, not over 30%.

That is kinda weird

It’s Cooldown Reduction that you are forgetting.

Lol. I found out the actual reason why the damage difference was so huge. Without this extra 115 OA from SKull of Gul’Amash, i was unable to crit at all. So i couldn’t proc at all item skills from Fang of Ch’thon, Voidheart and from Seal of Annihilation, resulting in huge loss of Vitality RR.

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So Bonewall rolls with cooldown reduction? I kind of forgot.

It doesn’t, at least i don’t have it. But cooldown reduction impact is not huge on dps imo. It is mostly reducing Hungering Void downtime, procs bat more often and lets me be more fluid with spell rotation. Correct me if i am wrong here.

Well it adds up, because it’s 19% less cooldown for some of your offensive spells. You are able to deploy sigils and totems faster plus more uptime of hungering void. It is adds up and ends up being quite a lot of damage (and survivability).

Ye ofc you are right, skull is great.
Bonewall increases sigil duration by 5 seconds. I just took it now cause i got good roll, with +800 hp, +3 to heart of the wild and +21 % phys res, and i wanted to feel immortal you know :slight_smile:

Any updates for newest patch?

Mad_lee is banned on this forum, look for vidos on his YouTube channel

anyone have an updated grimtools link for me?

[1191] UPDATE


thx mate :grinning: done with my last char -stupid rip :rofl::rofl::rofl: - perfect timing for a new char

hi, this is my first time play grim dawn and this is my conjurer build Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator. I see so much people say that focus on “sigil of consumption” and you can facetank anything, but this build not that strong for me. It facetank cally with 40-50% success, can u explain which part i doing wrong ? tks.

For Cally you need more physical resist probably. But also Vitality Conjurer is just sad, not much you can do there.

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i found some solution. Here Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator. I think what we miss is defend so i change boot and pant for only phys res. Same with RR so trinket has change to.