[] Phantasmal Paradox: 5m Crucible Gladiator 150-170, SR 75-76 beastly vitality PB-caster Dervish [c+][sr+][vid]

I think it is just within statistical discrepancy. Much more runs is required to make things clear. I don’t say you have to though :smiley: Thanks for the tests

Maybe a dummy killing test is better?

It would probably favour your devotion setup. I made some couple of runs with my old devotion setup after that and it felt slower but timer was 5:51 but it was with -vitality RR mutator on one of the runs. But one of the runs with your devotion setup also had that mutator.

So I guess there should be damage increase but I am not sure if it’s worth it or not because we do lose some Lightning overcap, 1% phys res, DA, poison overcap and around 600 hp (which is valuable since we have life reduction resistance in a form of Rebuke).

But then we get more armor (apart from offensive stats boost).

Honestly I didn’t feel it at all.

That’s because you have not invested in Phantasmal Armor enough. I would put more points in it then i have around 2300 armor and that is noticable. Anatomy of Murder can stay at 4-5. With latest nerf to %dmage to humans. Would you notice 2-3%more to humans at all? I doubt.

Don’t know why you put even 1 point in Rebuke. With all respect don’t think it s worth it.
Also you can take coupla points out of Pneumatic Burst (coz you have 6% total speed from Jackal)

It’s an interesting idea. Anatomy was obviously a leftover from before the nerf. However, it does give us Vitality damage and some OA and build doesn’t die with current armor so if I was to free some points I would probably cap Veil of Shadows. Although Phantasmal Armor is a viable option especially if we let go of Sailor’s guide.

It’s a 1 point investment and of course it’s worse it. Life reduction resistance is pretty valuable and reflected damage reduction is not bad either. Definitely worth 1 point.

Which is more than enough covered by the ‘new’ devotion setup. If you didn’t read my edit above - you can take some points from Pneumatic burst now (cos of Jackal 6% total speed)

Please don’t take me as an egg teaching the mother chicken :smiley: Your build theory crafting skills are undisputable of course. My only purpose is to know if my own thoughts are correct on this build (which I’m currently working on and enjoying it very much. Though I still need some pieces of gear.)

On second thought I see you are right about Rebuke. Worth 1 point investment. I was sure Life Reduction is covered by Life Leech resistances which we have planty of in this build

That kinda nullifies a boost to Jackal, because it’s casting speed is a boost to the build.

There is no chicken or egg here, most of my builds go thru the same process that we go here thru with you: I try and test everything that I can think of and that seems reasonable. And your devotion idea is a neat one. It’s just the build is already so strong and balanced that there is little need to skew balance towards offense unless Z. comes back with his nerfhammer of course.

But I will try and test new and old devotion setups one more time when I have a chance.

If you take like 2-3 points from PB then you still gain 3-4% total speed. Every point is valuable in this build. It is very points hungry one.

I have one question - I don’t have Boneshatter Treads boots. What are next good boots for this build?

and another quiestion - as I see we have only 25% chaos to vita conversion (gloves) so why I don’t see chaos damage in the breakdown table in stats? It should be there from Nether Edge

Probably Final March and invest into Cunning with 11/12 Anatomy of the Murder.

Chaos is there, look closely at the screenshot.

omg I’m blind sorry.

I’m using M. Greaves of Ill Omen (because of 40%+ stun resistance) atm but will try Final March thanks

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Properly tested devotions suggested by @Garfunkel and managed a lucky 5:38 Crucible run . Build is still a king of PB builds (if you ignore Rancor BM, lol).

If you ignore Rancor BM? :grin:

But Demonslayer Dervish is fine specimen indeed!

Great! Just the links for Crucible/Main Campaign spec and Uber Offensive one are the same :smiley:

y u so butthurt and always tryna steal my thunder?

get your gypsie-ass, sickle-‘n-hammer wieldin’ fingers away from my thunder.


God damn it, maintaining all those guide is a fucking chore! Thanks for pointing that out, fixed it!

ain’t no need to steal anyone’s thunder when you are a God of Thunder, boy!

I think you mispelt blunder

lmao, I concede, you won this one

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But in next patch you will have the last laughter. Update

Made a minor improvement to the spec thanks to @sir_spanksalot. Build is both tankier and more damaging now. Updated Grimtools and adding a new video (as soon as it uploads).