[] 5x Storm Totem & Oblivion Vitality Conjurer | partial Valguur with impossible Greens | Crucible of the Stars 4:57

I really like this build, but it is a shame storm totem isn’t particularly powerful even with so many out.

Looks like you multiplied vit decay by 5 totems, when dots don’t stack. So it looks like a relic skill is on par with a heavily item modded rank 26 skill :rofl:.

Only things I would consider with this build is incorporating blood pact somehow, maybe by leaving destruction at 1pt and taking 1 from CoF and aspect? Also possibly devotion bindings. Totems are excellent at procing devotions, they would be most efficient attached to bat and the extra proc rate is more than a totem of damage, but you would be slower to proc rattosh if oblivion was on that. Maybe just switch oblivion to bat and sigil to wendigo.

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Some say it stacks, some doesn’t.
I thought rule of thumb was if pseudo pet does not have debuff its dots will stack.

can be tested with grim internals? one totem vs max and see if vit decay goes up or stay same @tqFan

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I think it works like @Ulvar1 says. Dot not stacking is not a general rule.

I know optimally it should be included but I left it out for a simpler build. It has already 3600% (Vit + Spirit + base) damage most of the time so the gain would be really small. I optimize sightly less over damage and than others builders when I feel DPS gains are small I lean towards defense / simplicity. Well main benefit of Wendigo is ACDTH in my opinion but the build has a ton of it so I don’t need it too much.

Wendigo is more important to me the bat to apply quickly to multiple target. But do you know I cast multiple Sigil on the ground? Theoretically 3 should be on the ground at the same time which means 3 proc chances per second per single target. What I mean is Sigil should be good at procing too.

I don’t know, to me it’s powerful enough :wink: I’m fine with <6 minutes times builds I think.

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storm totem is also a “singular skill” that has no modifiers.

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Last time i checked, sigil was unreliable procer of any devotion .

You must have checked incorrectly then. If you by any chance think the frequency I proc Bat with is bad, please show comparison video with other proccers.

Tsunami procced by Sigil (very visable)

Bat procced by Sigil

Btw Oblivion should be similar to Sigil because it has 3 attack per second and I think I have 3 Sigil stacked at the same time during a fight although I haven’t looked at that closely but the duration is 6 second and cooldown about 2s.

If Sigil wasn’t stackable then sure, it would be bad, like Curse of Frailty for example.

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Omg nice to see you’re still around.

Love how noone cared about the thread until I bumped it :smiley:

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Here’s another build that may or may not be an upgrade.
Also Vitality Conjurer Oblivion + Storm Totem:

  • fewer Totems
  • but full Wildblood


also Hybrid Valguur / Wildblood / Primal Strike Ritualist
Grim Tools
[this one I actually played and didn’t like melee / caster archetypes clash]