updated for : the nerf to Blade Spirits doesn’t affect the bleed damage, good news
It’s a pet build ! It’s a caster ! No it’s… different
The Build
The base idea was to use this shield : https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/12707.
To fully use the modifier, I went with the Demonslayer set for a 4th Blade Spirit, and I added as many pseudo-pets as possible :
4 Blade Spirits
Obviously -
3 Unknown Soldiers
The constellation grants %bleed and crit damage, and the proc does a good amount of bleed damage -
2 Guardians of Empyrion
Provides bleed and vitality RR, that’s about it -
5 Azrakaa’s Sand Devils…
The relic gives a little OA and DA, the proc does forgettable bleed damage that doesn’t stack from multiple devils, but pets are pets so 10/10 -
…Or 1 Manticore Deathstalker
A little more RR and %bleed damage, as well as some movement speed for comfort. Overall it feels better than Azrakaa’s.
Phantasmal Blades being supported by Demonslayer, I use it as the spammable and primary form of leech, and I add Ring of Steel for more damage and tankiness thanks to the fumble.
Divine Mandate and Path of the Three are both good options, I preferred getting more crit damage and capping my slow res over more Mogdrogen and Ascension uptime.
4 gear pieces are craftable, I went for move speed to make the build more comfortable to play. You can choose %armour to make SR smoother, or %physique for a larger cunning dump in crucible.
The gear by order of importance :
Demonslayer set and Scarab Shell
Core of the build -
Reaper’s Legguards
To hardcap Blade Spirit -
Mark of Consumption
More bleed and leech on PB -
Cronley rings for more %bleed damage and to hardcap Circle of Slaughter.
An of Butchery suffix on a ring is advised to get that extra projectile thus leech on PB. -
Boneweave Girdle
Mainly for the physical resistance, grants some OA and damage as well. -
Shoulders and Gloves
Damage, resistances and useful skill bonuses. The shoulders’ proc provide some valuable physical damage mitigation. -
Resistances and run speed if possible
Unknown Soldier
More pets, more damage. -
Must have on bleed builds, a lot more damage. -
Strong leech ability, consistently procced by the Blade Spirits -
Flat RR, energy leech to sustain PB, and more leech
New setup with Deathstalker
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lV7YaY5N -
Old setup with Azrakaa
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/w26gbdxV -
Budget-y setup
Any physical resistance prefix is welcome on the shield for the survivability.
Any suffix to correct the slow res or the trap/freeze res when Ascension is down can help on the boots.
The rest of the affixes are there to address the resistances or get some damage. Armour augments and attributes can be shifted to fill the overcaps. -
.gdc download
If you want to test the main setup yourself !
Run by @romanN1 : 1171 Monc’s Bleeding PB Dervish - YouTube -
Being both a bleed and a kite build, it does very well in SR. It can farm SR75-76 easily with moderate piloting skills, just keep moving. Getting Tectonic Shift to 12/12 might be a good idea given how much I use Vire’s to move around. The most dangerous foes are Kaisan since he resists bleed the most and his crystals hurt a lot, and for some reason Slashsarr Aethergaze who does immense damage.
Ishtal could be an issue, I haven’t faced him yet.
Thanks to Maska for the build idea, Roman for the crucible run, A.O for helping me improving the build, and to you for reading my thread !