It’s not about frowns, man. It’s because some ppl have played this game for too long lol… So when they see 100 dmg when 120 dmg could be dealt, some people react as if it was a sacrilege
I know it’s another button but Seekers are worth the Box. Box is one of the best proccers in the game becasue Box itself procs every second in AoE, and Tether procs many times a second scaling with cast speed (like AAR). Or you could stash you a Chonomancer/Supercharged shield affix so that Seeker cooldown goes down to 1s. Then, it procs optimally with any ticks- Vire+Volcanic, WoP, Aether Corruption, etc.
Yet I have zero problems in SR 65-66 with it. I am trying your devos now they are better. But the rest was not better. I put seekeres on Vire. It should be OK.
I am alwyas amazed at ‘experts’ here that tell me that something is bad when I actually played with it and I know that it is not. I am not talking about you now others do it very often and are not correct. But you were also not correct in vire vs volcanic stride.
When GT functions properly I will post the build with your devo map.
I also looked at my other builds that have shield and movement skill and this is normal damage for all of them. Only Blitz is a lot higher - 2x times. That may be the new buffs maybe.
I have it on several builds and it ranges from 50-80k sheet damage for one hit before crits. 80k is with Virtue set. This is all only with passive buffs.
It might be that way with Vire and Volcanic Stride if you would have high % DoT damage otherwise not. But even then the main skill has more DoT damage. I just look at VS as a bit of additional AoE.