Title obviously a tribute to u/afanasenkov26’s bottlemage build.
Update 2:
Overall the build got a little stronger I’d say. It’s even easier to farm 75-76 with the boss changes, you have to think even less. May try pushing SR a bit. Items didnt change meaninfully at all, apart from the prismatic diamond cooldown and mark of the voracious one getting more armor/block. Main changes are devotion-based.
Updated grimtools:
- Skills: Moved a point from IEE to elemental balance for that sweet 2% crit. Dropped mental alacrity and fabric of reality for 2 more points into menhir’s will.
- Devotions: dropped stonemaiden for phoenix+hawk (more crit, more flat absorption, 4% phys res loss), dropped ghoul for menhir’s bulwark for yet more absorption.
- Itemisation: Ditch hexxer’s kiss and bysmiel’s shroud for coven’s terror
- OA +40
- Crit 25% -> 45% (which is pretty great with our fat OA
- -12 flat aether (lol)
- -15% chance for (0.35 * 15)% reduced resistances (nice)
- DA +100
- +80 armor
- +300 hp
- A nice ~170 flat absorption proc and a nice ~400 flat absorption proc
- -4% (= 1% due to scaling) lifesteal
- Loss of ghoul (which gave us around 26% life steal due to yugol’s scaling, plus the phys res).
Toying with the idea of ditching the chest/helm component for a titan plating if i can get overcaps in order. May also ditch menhir’s stone-form to play around with turtle. Or maybe an offensive devo. Iunno. Could be worth putting points back in physique to avoid crits in 75/76, with the new scaling.
Update 1
Thanks @Monceaux for the following tip:
- Pull out points from conversion, fabric of reality, scars of battle, and overload. Stuck em in Iskandra’s Elemental Overload for more flat and energy help.
- Moved some points from physique to cunning
Tried some superbosses. Added to the main post.
Older grimtools links can be found in the update sections above.
Throwing this build out there in case anyone finds it interesting (though it’s not particularly innovative). Perhaps someone can do something nice with it. Haven’t bothered pushing SR or any of the other build benchmark things, but 75/76 boss rooms are pretty easy without much cheese (by which i mean, you can take on 2-3 bosses at a time, but not always the whole room), and celestials are pretty simple (apart from callagadra who is kite city).
No respeccing/equipment swapping needed. If you’re new to the fights like I am, it may be prudent to carry around a couple aether clusters.
Facetanked with the help of a stormshroud ointment and an aether cluster that I probably could have done without if I wasn’t overly cautious when he got me to 50%. Nothing special to do here, just hold down RMB for maybe 7-10min?
Ravager of Flesh
Update Facetanked. Main thing here is just to dash out when he does the red pool thing. Again probably held RMB here for ~4-6min.
Kite city. Clear the area first. No pharma, apart from the usual aether cluster. Drop devastations while kiting, and pop in for some tanking when mirror is up or your hp-based circuit breakers are there. Watch out for the tornados. Took just under 20mins.
Spin and war cry while you drop rocks on people.
- Decent sturdiness: 36% permanent (thanks for the correction @Ricardi0) + 90 flat ~permanent damage absorption + 170 phoenix proc absorption + 400 stone form proc absorption , ~45/4500/40 block, 30% phys res, ~4k armor
- Decent damage (~100k crits with devastation)
- Decent leech: 18% with overguard up + 8 on voracious reach. 3% from devastation
- 4 circuit breakers (mirror, turtle, menhir’s will, prismatic diamond)
- 3.3k OA, 3k DA (swap around phys/cunning to your leisure)
- One-hand friendly (Whack voracious reach on RMB, then GDAutoCast devastation, war cry, and overguard on it)
- Could be nice to have more damage
- Yugol’s on this feels a bit memey, but it saves a ton of skill points on an otherwise starved mastery combo, and also keeps enemies nicely in place.
Started out with experimenting with bone lance as the main damage dealer. After figuring that was pretty crap, and wanting to try out a spinner for a while, I thought why not just whack on yugol’s, some acid conversion kit, and call it a day. Turns out spinning in place with some good leech goes well with a long-cooldown dropping-rocks-in-place skill.
Gets the job done.
Unsurprisingly for spellscourge, most damage comes from ultimate-capped devastation. Voracious reach does contribute some decent damage but is mainly there for 1. keeping enemies in place while devastation falls on them, 2. leeching, and 3. fun.
Nothing exciting here.
Main aims
- 100% ele conversion across the spellscourge pieces
- 90%+ acid conversion on the ugdenbog girdle and targo’s chest
Reroll the set pieces until you hit some stats you like. Ugdenbog girdle is ‘easily’ farmable by running ancient grove and hitting up the vendor while you farm for stuff for better builds.
There’s room for flexibility in the weapon, legs, shoes and belt affixes. The +1 soldier and targo 2pc is nice on the weapon, but other things could be nicer, like a sick aetherscorched cleaver. Pants easily substitutable by some nice MI ‘of Kings’. Boots can be anything really, as long as it fills in the gaps.
Stick on whatever augments and components work for you. I’ve thrown in arcanum dust and marks of illusion on the rings as it helps with energy and more OA/DA. The ancient armor on the legs feels a bit wasteful, given absorption is capped without it. I recently swapped out restless remains in the gloves for spellscorched plating to help overcap ele by more.
The thing I’m most unsure about. This setup works but a lot of azrakaa feels wasted, especially that flat pierce. I’d be tempted to give bear+jackal+anvil a try, or maybe even guardian’s gaze, or maybe even blizzard. The world is your oyster!
Central parts, are assassin’s blade for RR, ulzaad for damage, obelisk for absorption. Turtle’s a nice circuit breaker but can probably be swapped out for other stuff if you want.
Level 2H soldier with forcewave, or olexra+trozan’s arcanist. Give the forum a browse for start builds. If you get your hands on a well-rolled Inashkor’s Head and Decree of the Circle of Five, then you can try lancing away, incrementally adding spellscourge pieces until you have a solid 4pc.
Main things I’d look to improve/experiment with:
- Devotion map - I don’t think azrakaa is doing much work here. With the use of flat phys from some parts, bear could do good work.
- Equipment - room for a number of better pieces - weapon, boots, belt, legs.