Hello, everyone. It’s been a while since someone posted a fire Blightlord shieldbreaker. It was @sir_spanksalot’s Blastlord and it was 4 patches ago so I decided to post my own version.
[OLD GRIMTOOLS](Shieldbreaker, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
IMPORTANT NOTE: Crafts for physique or one freeze res IF you have Glacial prefix. “Glacial” or “Destroyer’s” Preffix on the off-hand are MANDATORY, firstly because of the phys res and secondly because the build is attribute point starved. If you have destroyers prefix put only one point to Ulzuin’s Wrath and softcap 12/12 Temper, then put all the points in Demo’s skill bar like this. Also use a random item with spirit to allow you to equip the off-hand and then swap back to the original equipment.
Primary Tab with all passive buffs
BWC tooltip with Ascension
Throw Cocktail, Mines, Flashbang and spam enemies with Stormfire. Beware of hard physical hitters like Iron Maiden and Reaper of the Lost. Use Ascension either to burst someone down or to absorp bursts of damage. Remember to play around all the other flat damage absorption skills like Blast Shield and Phoenix Fire. Finally, it’s not a facetanker build so repositioning is necessary, the build has a good amount of range and dot afterall.
For Crucible I removed the %hp and flat armor node from Behemoth and added it to Torch’s 100% fire damage node. Also bound Eldritch Fire to BWC and Twin Fangs to Guardians of Empyrion.
Callagadra fight ( with OA pharma)
Ravager fight ( Use OA Pharma to be able to proc Phoenix Fire)
Crate fight SR 100 Bosses in a new arena
SR 105 with easy bosses
4:24 Crucible run
4:26 Crucible run with Grava pants
SR 75-76 run with Grava pants
4:44 Crucible run with 2x Marked mutator
5:17 Crucible run
4:57 Crucible run with Sanctified bone
6:02 Naked Crucible run
SR 100 Bosses
SR 95 Bosses ( oneshotted by Crowley’s Meteors)
SR 90 Bosses
SR 80 Bosses
5:03 Crucible run with Spam BWC
SR 75-76 run
Level with either of Zarthuzellan’s off-hands. One is the one I am using for this build for Black Water Cocktail and the other one is for Vire’s Might. One thing I would recommend is getting either a Riftclaw Slicer or an Empowered Alakrian’s Invoker as a main weapon and a Gargoyle Girdle as a belt to convert some vitality/pierce damage to fire from the Twin fangs proc. It would help a lot with sustain while leveling. But still, keep your distance from enemies.
If you do Ancient Grove you could also use Slathsarr’s medal for more damage, but that’s optional. Use the rest of your gear to fix resistances OA/DA.
Until next time.