The reason behind this build is to use Chillspikes from component converted to aether. Chillspikes do pierce and cold damge so it is necessary to convert both. For pierce conversion I use two Blaze Heralds (with good rolls full conversion) and for partial cold conversion I use Magelord rings set and Soulare’s helm. Blaze Heralds, Soulare’s helm and conduit amulet give aether RR to Veil of Shadow so using Nightblade is good here (also physical resistance, OA, DA and flat pierce damage) and we can also use Blade Spirit that has also cold and pierce damage conveted to aether. As a second class I chose Necromancer because of passive aether RR, % aether damage, flat damage from Bone Harvest and ADCtH. Most of vitality damage is also converted to aether using Chains of Ygraad and Bonemonger shoulders. Build also uses almost fully converted Twing Fangs to aether. Build is fun to play. It can do SR 65-66 easily. It can do even SR 80 but it behaves like a glass cannon in it.
I have other aether caster builds here. All my builds are here.
Build uses three monster infrequent items - 2x Blaze Heralds and 1x Chains of Ygraad. You want affixes for casting speed, aether damage and OA, DA. Crafing bonuses on helm, amulet and medal are to stun resistance.
Stats of the build
nice base weapon damage
low critical damage 25 %
OK OA - around 2900 OA
nice aether resistance reduction from Spectral Wrath, Arcane Bomb, Veil of Shadow, Revenant - up to -134 %
damage from devotions - Spear of the Heavens, Arcane Bomb, Revenant, Phoenix Fire and Twin Fangs
OK life - close to 14000 HP
OK DA - around 2900 DA
up to 291 OA reduction to enemies from Siphon Souls, Veil of Shadow and Arcane Bomb
nice lifesteal 27 %
lifesteal from Siphon Souls
healing from Twin Fangs
flat damage absorption from Phoenix Fire
damage reduction to enemies from Ill Omen
OK CC resistances with crafting bonuses
reasonable overcap of resistances
at least +3 to max all resistances
lower armor - above 1800
good physical resistance 30 %
healing on demand from Pneumatic Burst
Mark of Torment
Prismatic Rage
image from the game with passive buffs + Pneumatic Burst and Soul Harvest
I play SR with camera pointed away from enemies and I try my builds only in SR 65-66 and SR 80. I play around 10 SR runs per character.
This build does SR 65-66 easily. No boss is a problem. It can even do SR 80 but performance here willl greatly depend on player skills. It behaves like a glass cannon here but you have Mark of Torment so apply it wisely and it is doable. Reaper is not that difficult.
I don’t play Crucible so I don’t have a time number for it.