[] Beginner's Vitality Ignaffar Deceiver

thank you very much!!!

why not use rigid shell? isnā€™t 10 physique better than 15% burn duration reduction, this being the only difference between them, since both fire and lightning res are highly overcapped?

Perhaps not in ā€œmid gameā€ where this information is presented. Fire res is usually more important to overcap than lightning. Depends on the area you are in.

Love what you did here salvor! Best regards for all of you peeps that wanna help out beginners! Would you consider adding an expensive setup too?

i had a blast with this build until i switched to FoI. This skill sucks, i donā€™t like it. Maybe itā€™s because i need to get used to it, but it changes the play style completely.

For starters, i canā€™t spam the other skills now, since it interrupts the channeling, so i have to pay attention to cool downs, which i suck at. Before that i was just mashing buttons and everything worked perfectly. Secondly, the AoE is a lot worse.

I will try to play it some more, maybe iā€™ll get used to it. I love the concept though, too bad FoI is so unpleasant to play with.

Not sure what you wanna get out of your post. But build is called vitality flames of ignaffar, so you did not even play the build until you switched to FoIā€¦ WoP is just a means to level up without worrying about energy management.

Of course it FoI will change the playstyle, you are supposed to stand on seal and channel FoI for 5 seconds then cast Horn, and Box. Then next 5 second pit stop you cast also curse and WoP, then the 3rd 5 second pit you cast also WoR and BoD.

You could see this from the GT link presented in the start of the guide that there are many skills to take care of. Storm box one can probably leave out, but it is a very good devo proccer and the vitality DoT can add up to good amount of damage.

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Thanks, will try that!

I never tried FoI before. I knew that there are many skills, but i didnā€™t know that i canā€™t spam them all simultaneously (i am stupid, i know).

Thats is same for all channeling skills. Like aether ray, spin2win

You can probably skip storm box for some less button pushing.

For non bosses you probably dont even need seal. So just cast curse and WoP to debuff them then flame them to death

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Rigid shell works too. As Ulvar said, it was during the midgame and my fire resistance wasnā€™t overcapped at this point. It doesnā€™t matter much, this build has very high room for errors and depending on your gear drops one or the other may be better or worse.

Oh, I can for sure relate. Thing is, at level 94 the Ignaffar version will be much better and safer in clearing harder content, there is more gear boosting FoI compared to Box (and FoI lifesteals like crazy). Unfortunately it takes a while to get used to Flames of Ignaffar clunkiness (I would be very happy if the range gets improved a bit). I feel like if you switch to flames it will give you enough time to get used to it so after hitting 94 you will already be accustomed and when you engage harder content will have the habit of using Horn/Seal/Flames properly.

Deceivers are very button intense (itā€™s one of the downsides I mentioned in introduction), the only redeeming grace is that itā€™s not timing sensitive. As long as you recast your skills you are good, you donā€™t need to cast them at the exact time, pressing your buttons once in a while and holding the ignaffar button should do the job just fine.


Why not dual wield decree of malmouth

Itā€™s an option. If you happen to get korvaakā€™s band medal (that enables dualwielding) for sure go ahead.

Otherwise itā€™s a bit awakward since you will have to sacrifice a relic slot for it and usually relics are too costly to give up so easily.

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Direwolf crest also enables dual wielding and has nice OA

You forgot offhand has energy reg, FoI is a thirst energy skill.

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True, but I have scales and a lot of energy absorb from enemy spells. Might still be an issue

This where Im at after qutie a lot of hours on the toon.

Its pretty damn strong, cant think of anything significant to change. HoS and the amulet were just critical here to achieve good casting speed. In-game my speed is 190 and with dying got I reach 200.
A possible endgame direction for the build.

Damage with only permanent buffs:

Damage with Soul Harvest/dying god/deadly aim:

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I came across this guide recently. Do you have any suggestions now that 1.2.1 is live? Thanks in advance.

Would also like to know. I might do some experimenting on my own like seeing how the top 20 RE oppressorā€™s Devo setup does as a general vit caster setup. Iā€™m also interested in cold drain essence apostate and probably will level both because Iā€™m a bit bored with the ā€œgood/metaā€ mastery combos

Should be fine still, might need some adjustments, but I donā€™t have the energy to test more stuff out. Can say the devotion path could so with some work since Wendigoā€™s 3rd node isnā€™t really worth it now. Also, swap out the Relic for one that gives +1 to all Inquisitor Skills and you can use a belt that gives you chaos to vitality conversion, which comes in handy.

Besides, still need to publish my vitality Flames of Ignaffar Apostate build, which gets 400K sheet dps :upside_down_face: But thatā€™s ADHD burnout for you.

Oh and probably should post it too: Apostate, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Needs some work due to the fact the Tempest prefix now lacks the +OA% bonus, thank thee :zantai:


Thanks for the update!

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Sorry, but Iā€™m curious why you enabled the transmuter on the flame. Wouldnā€™t it be better to have it as 100% vitality? Now itā€™s like 25% chaos :thinking: