Nice, I’ve been thinking about Soulrend Reaper recently.
Don’t you want +1 to Blade Spirits and bind it to Rattosh to have one fewer button to press?
Or do you like Freeze / Fumble / a bit of additional damage?
and fumble is for the surv mostly combined with 35% dodge and 23% deflect pretty strong
other stats are selbuffed 42% lifesteal @ 25k flat weapondmg
32% critdmg + 41% from NJE + 2,1k Coldmodifier and something around 1,7k Vitality and Decay
3,5k Armor with procs and OA/DA getting up from Devotionsprocs aswell
17% Physresist
All Resistances overcaped 20% - Elementalresist goes 70% overcap
tested the Blade Spirits they dont fit in it. to slow for that build
but i took 2 points out of Reaping Strike and put them into Blade Trap & Devouring Blades so there is one more Button to press and the Reaper is more Rippher.
Grimtool is updated
so only thing i miss now is the Glyph Murmur’s Kiss and Amatok’s Breath that i can test it.
dont own the recieps yet
Congrats on the rather unconventional cold/vitality hybrid!
The power of 40% leech, lots of life leech RR and high armor!
I doubt cunning will do anything for this build, it only scales OA and not your damage types after all. Because of that I would encourage you to drop Anatomy of Murder down to 11/12 and remove blade trap (doesn’t work against any meaningful enemy anyway unless you have trap RR) and rather softcap Veil of Shadow, one point Blade Spirits, cap out Phantasmal Armor or cap out Nightfall.
Auf jeden Fall schön zu sehen, dass mehr Leute ihre HC chars hier posten, weiter so!
ya i wont go for cunning was thinking just for the OA but i stay on 107 Phys for now
The other things i will check out
Ja schon paar Jahre her hab dazwischen andere Games gespielt hab Anfang 2017 mit Grim Dawn aufgehört gehabt als mein Blademaster mit glaub ich wars dann im HC gestroben ist da war der OA buff zu hoch auf den Monstern und Rip Crucible zudem wurde Shieldwall redesigned, reflectdmg wurde rausgenommen da war damals der key mit warborn dualwield für mich