[] Uroboruuk - a build journal and guide for SSF Drain Essence Apostate

I was bored so I made this Cold DE reaper in GT https://www.grimtools.com/calc/b28mPoeV budget :stuck_out_tongue:

Noooo that’s oath breaking! :rofl:

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I will make new poll after I am done with warder, I will make sure not to put a Drain Essance build on that list lol

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I can’t go further than 68 with Fire Reaper :frowning: Grava in small room is death. Bad mutators death, Iron Maiden + any boss at the same time death. I’m going to make a thread so no one will ever try it :rofl:


after trying it, there’s something very weird about the skill.
it feels clunky im not sure why.
sometimes it doesnt damage melee damage, and I think the tick is very slow without any casting speed gear. need to wait for awhile until the enemies got damaged.
the damage is surprisingly quite good early on.
also for early greens, vitality damage should be the priority right?

edit: enabling “Classic Targetting” option makes the skill a lot better somehow.

No idea what you mean by “doesnt damage melee damage” and “need to wait for awhile until the enemies got damaged.”

But it is a single target skill, you need to select/target a mob and channel it. Then it has some chance to affect nearby monsters. It scales with casting speed. Also you have vitality decay so you can stop casting it and monster will still take damage.

I used gravechill transmuter first, but after you find items with +% aether and vitality damage you remove that transmuter. Or just wait until you get Harbinger of souls toggle skill up high :slight_smile:
You can probably just play with gravechill until like level 30, you can see in my journal when I switched. Most blues that boost drain essence has +% vit and aether damage anyway

I meant that enemies that’s getting too close sometimes didn’t get targeted somehow. But classic targeting makes it “snap” to the enemies, so it’s easier to target.
Also, it has delay before the first damage tick happens instead of instantly damaging stuff.
Finishing act 2 rn and it’s pretty smooth all in all. Just gonna get used to the targeting system

This I have no idea how why it happens, for me it deals damage instantly.

I just tried classic targeting, I noticed no difference

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Level 70 update, got to barrowholm in elite


Changed shoulder to faction ones, amulet which I got waaay back, farmed a new Galakros chest in normal to get higher armor. Some new components here and there. Devotions I took some resistance points in Ulo and Dyrad. Crafted Mortality relic now that tip of scales proc is pretty high and works ok.

Changed some skills just to get closer to goal build in terms of skill rotation

Drain Essence dps is 47k.

I also don’t see any problem with the skill, smooth as butter to me.
The only problem is if you got bad CC resists and get stunned for example.

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That is something I need to explain, that having high stun, freeze (and also slow) res together with high casting speed is important

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Dope ring as quest reward from Coven!


Level 77 update

Starting Ultimate https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RZR13OBV (note this is without several armor augments)

Several gear changes. Fettan Mask, good for slow res and +1 all skills. Changed to a new Ilgorr medal, an updated belt and new weapon! Also weapon augments from Barrowholm that I have now done “the feast” and selecting sacrifice for Ravager in both normal and elite.

Drain Essence dps is 52k.

In Elite I have not done Father Kymon or Korvaak, will save them for later. Gonna do at least up to Loghorrean in Ultimate first.

Have reached revered with Homestead, Black Legion and Malmouth resistance. this means: access to level 70 armor augments for resistnaces and experience potions!!! :smiley:

Energy regen is ok, tip of scales is still only rank 12/20 and it seems like we either kill of most monsters before they hit us and thus run dry of energy or that it is just single boss and fight takes long time… But when we get swarmed, it does its job well.

OA and DA are getting too low, have to think about fixing them. Maybe after fixing resistances with armor augments I can get dying god nodes.

can you make a short video? :))

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Burial Cave Ultimate

Perhaps using Talisman relic will be smoother until we get the final “goal” build and tip of scales max rank…
Think I am gonna rush act 1, just kill krieg and then get ultimate version of talisman relic, then finish act 1 and then rush for SoT.

Edit: One does not have to kill krieg to proceed to act 2, should still be possible to get the ultimate talisman… gonna try it later today!


Krieg ultimate video https://vimeo.com/480468440

Made a level 88 update, with some goals to do for next update :slight_smile:

Hehe I can just trade with my self. I have some insane ilgorr medals already :stuck_out_tongue: but when goal budget build is “done” I will just transfer over stuff like crazy and make a completely diffrent build :smiley:


level 46, just finished base game.
this skill is really smooth on controller gameplay. basically aimbotting while holding the button.
and I should’ve listened on your advice regarding Steps of Torment boss. got my health to 5% before I pussied out and click them Back to Main Menu.
time to do ugdenbored next

also, is there any good faction gear for leveling? it took a long time to replace my gear, and my current ones are 400 armor behind


Aim for covens chest armor, the one I use in the “theory” build, they are in level 65 and 90 versions.
Otherwise just look what they sell.

I used Galakros armor most of the time as you can see. And I went back now and then just to get one with suitable armor rating. You want the one with vit to aether conversion.

Before you can farm Galakros just use any good high armor on chest.

Yes alkamos you can skip, important is to kill Ilgorr for DE medal and shop farm shield.

When my journal part of guide is done, I will add more items to look for when leveling like faction amulet from order of death vigil etc :slight_smile: