they are permanent, but you can re-summon them (i think similarly to pets), and new one will replace some of previous one
Only by removing a skill point from them.
This isn’t true, right? If you just press the button to spawn a Blade Spirit, it will replace an existing one (even though they are permanent).
Can’t say I’ve tried because there doesn’t seem to be any point to it.
Demonslayer + Medal give bleed damage to PB, perhaps still very low damage in total. I am a bleed noob tbh lol
They do. Whirling Blades and Blade Eruption stacks for every Spirit as well. Re-summons shouldn’t stack on more Bleed (don’t know why it would).
What kind of DoT numbers do you expect from your skills?! Most singular DoT skills end up in the range of 500-1000 per second with many more skill points required. That Blade Spirit is a single node skill and can push triple the amount of DoT is insane. Guardians of Empyrion with the Pandemic dagger is up there as well for the same reason.
Demon-slayer set doesn’t give you bleed duration + shield also won’t give you any duration. With such low bleed duration, you need to stay near mob for 100% time, and even then there no 100% that Blade Eruption will hit mob.
Without items, Blade Spirit will do around 1800 DPS, this is GOOD skill, very GOOD, but requirement to stay near mob is very huge disadvantage.
For reference EoR (26) 200AS has 4000K DPS, and 400% WEAPON DAMAGE with life leach
You should do at least 5000DPS per second from DOT (for long duration for example 10s) on my video I doing 9000DPS only from rune casts
Life steal. Demonslayer is also a Vitality set so chances are you have ok amounts of % Vitality damage to use Twin Fangs, Scales or cd PBlades for sustain.
Keep in mind that EoR’s weapon damage is below 100% so each hit still scales the ADCtH modifier down but yes, it gets a lot of hits in.
You do realise such numbers are extremely hard to reach for 90% of DoT builds right?
I’m talking about base damage numbers. As in before % damage modifiers, RR, crit damage etc… If a character could push base 9000 DoT damage, they would on paper be dealing 225-270k DoT damage before resist reduction or crit damage applies. If that’s your bar for a good DoT build, it’s set way too high I’d say.
Nightblade passive skill, devotions, other items
Well you can try and create this build, I don’t want to debate about this build problems in this topic
Well, yes and no at the same time, that why most DoT builds is melee DW, so they can get their x6 - x8 modifiers for both weapons.
My bar is around ~5000 for end game
Bleed is exceptional, because as you point it has a lot of free damage here and there, maybe I will post my beginner friendly build with ~4000DPS.
But yes for comfort playlstyle your base damage should be high
If your bar is 5k and Blade Spirits bring 4k, you’re gonna break the bar easily with the rest of the skills
@shok211 Do you have any updates about this build ?
Why would he need to update it? It’s for the latest version of the game.
Perhaps some new tweaks or what not
It’s look very interesting, I’m new player in GD and i choosed vindicator as a 1st spec.