Just got Aldur’s inqusition blueprint as a random drop. After farming benevald for like an hour and a half
After 100 painful hours i can almost build this. Is this build Lokar and others end game bosses viable?
Lokarr should not be an issue. Mog/Ravager/Cally/Crate will definitely be a challenge as it’s not overly tanky. With careful kiting some should be possible, never tried myself on this build though
Sorry for the noob question, but how can I get this luminari set? I’m quite new to the game, searching for builds to do.
you have to either find the pieces of the set in game, or find blueprint and craft the items. Basically just play the campaign and the pieces or blueprint might drop, especially if you defeat monster totems (and your character has to be at a sufficient level to drop the pieces)
also, iif you have Forgotten Gods expansion, if you find other set pieces that you dont want, you can transmute set pieces to other set pieces of comparable value (though the outcome is random). You can transmute at an inventor once you have finished one of the Forgotten Gods quests
Yeah, i’ve played this game like, three years ago, and i leveled up a purifier to 100, but i did basically nothing of the endgame farm and wanted to start this stuff (but this build doesn’t seem to work anymore, it’s really old)… I have the blueprint for the luminari hat, but I searched for the rest of the set in wiki and it seems that it isn’t a blueprint for it.
if you have the hat blueprint, thats all you need (tpically sets only have blkueprint for one of the items). Just craft multiple hats, keep the best one, then use the inventor to transform the extra hats to other pieces of the same set (again its random which piece will come)
Oh nice, i need to keep doing some quests cause i think i didn’t unlock the inventor yet… But thank u so much!
this link will detail which quest: Inventor - Official Grim Dawn Wiki
Thanks for the build, for the gloves i recommend Cindertouch it’s great
I’ve enjoyed that build for quite a while. Yesterday, I’ve “discovered” that Dagallon’s pistols have hidden pass through, so I gave it a try instead of Sigillis and, oh boy, what a game changer! It melts crowds so fast in a cluster fest of special effects.
So now this is my default setup, and I switch back to Sigillis when I need more punch on bosses.
On the cons side, I have a very hard time finding decent Haunted Shoulderpads. They drops very rarely, contrary to the Ascended ones. So I’m doing with Elite Coven Arcane Mantles in the mean time. Not much luck either with the belt, but at least I have one with lots of resistances.
current setup: Purifier, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Hello, i’m trying out this build.
For leveling, do you rush demolitionist for Brimstone or rush Inquisitor for Aura of Censure? Thanks.
The leveling strat in this guide sounds good to me: [] Budget 2-handed ranged "The Desolator" Fire Strike Fire Purifier
Today I finished the Luminari set, but my damage got like 10k lower than it was when I was using Mythical Korvaak’s Brand instead of Luminari medal.
Same for the rings - I get much more damage with two combustion bands.
Is luminari set really optimal here? It feels like one could get more with separate legendaries.
Considering it’s a build to specifically highlight the luminari set, yes, it’s optimal here
The changes to korvaak medal happened after this was created and it’s a no brainer item to fit on any firestrike build it’s not blocked on. There are going to be multiple ways to build stronger firestrike builds, this again was to highlight the luminari set and lean into a full elemental focus while still having decent results