[] Beginner's Forgotten Blademaster


Thanks for the excellent build guide. Can I ask how should I go about gearing if I wish to take on the Ravager?
Thanks (L100, Finished AoM but yet to touch FG or Crucible or SR content)

I would advise you to do a bit SR, you’ll get some skill points, also better gear for your character and SR set is extra perk. For Ravager (you could do that in easier difficulty) SR set will be definitely helpful. And usage of more defensive oriented devotions like Scales, Dryad and maybe Ghoul. Belgo relic can refresh defensive cooldowns, so it’s worth it. Also don’t be shy in crafting/using potions against harder game content.

Any useful stats i should be shooting for? I’m know what Ravager’s OA/DA and resists are but that doesn’t help me a ton without going deeply into the math.

I’m assuming I need something like 3500 OA, and maybe 3000DA? On top of overcapped Aether, Vitality and as much physical resistance I can muster

There’s a superboss/celestial guide by @RektbyProtoss on YT, you can also check out Grimtools for Ravagers stats.

tyvm Stupid_Dragon
i’m learning a lot based in everything you putted here in this guide! my blademaster is lvl 64! THE STRUGGLING to lvl 100 is good! :sweat: :metal:

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i hit lvl 100 in my first toon! Ty @Stupid_Dragon !
for [] Beginner's Forgotten Blademaster

Hi. I’m just finishing this build. I already have lvl 93 and almost all the items needed to finish the build. I have a question, when will I reach 100 lvl and all items will have high stats. Can I easily farm the SR 65-66 to obtain the Legends and SR set?

Thanks for the many incredible guides Dragon, I am planning on using your apex death night for my first hardcore toon, before switching over to aether. I have a question: Would the Belgothian set be a viable endgame option, or would the play style be very different?

Eh, IIRC Belgo is viable but nothing remarkable. Honestly I’m not keeping track of GD meta anymore. The playstyle is reasonably similar.

If not one of the best guides I’ve ever found here, I can only congratulate you, because it’s simply magnificent…
I’m following this build but I would like to know if it’s possible to switch to Acid or Vitality based on cadence. And if in any of these two ways I mentioned it is viable to kill celestials. Congratulations again for the work.

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Vitality totally not.

Acid Cadence is possible, but when I tried it it was a meme tier. Later on iirc someone managed to make it more or less passable and even some gear support was introduced on odd gear pieces. I very much doubt that acid cadence will make a celestial killer though. It’ll probably kill Mog, but that’s probably it.

Or maybe a blending and pierce blend. Become pleasant. what do you say?

I’ve been out of touch with GD for so long that I can’t really say anything, sorry. While I still actively played that wouldn’t had been considered a meta way to build pierce blademaster.

bleed blademaster can work, pierce/bleed “hybrid” too, wont be as good as dedicated pierce i think, but does do decently/“better than merely playable”

in essence you can make a lot of stuff work in GD; all it depends on is your performance tolerance threshold, the more outside meta approaches you go you might have to accept that it wont kill things as fast/efficiently
that said, even some off meta/meme stuff still performs plenty fine for most people’s acceptance

If anyone is interested I made an updated devotion map to take advantage of patch 1.2 regen meta. It is definitely a defensive oriented devotion setup while still having key offensive devotions.

I’m in no way an expert but I have played Dual wield pierce Blademaster a couple times.

With this setup you will want to put 3 points into “Terrify” the war cry skill modifier to get flat resist reduction since we wont have revenant or scales in this setup. (Unless you are getting an alternate source of flat RR of course).

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why does the final build have such a high wps percent? Can you reinvest some of the wps points elsewhere for a more efficient build buid?

it’s a single point, so not really much you get to potentially reinvest (all the wps only has 1point invested, rest is boosted from bonus skill points)