[] Dual Shield Warlord! SR75~76 easy, Callagadra, Scion of the Sands Kill 2m50s, Ravager of Minds Kill 1m40s, Avatar of Mogdrogen Kill 3m16s [vid] Callagadra very easy version


Great build! Is it worth it to take Oleron rage over divine mandate?

Probably not, build already has good OA and you’d have to cut 10 skill points to spend in soldier tree, plus you’d lose a good chunk of crit damage and slow resistance.

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Calla version has oleron btw

Would the markovian set works for this build also?

Yes, you can use Markovian sets. You just need to make some skill adjustments. However, it is difficult to kill Callagadra.

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can i request for a shield and spam aegis of menhir skill?

I made a build that uses the Octavius set.

is says access denied

no it doesn’t

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is it just my connection sorry its good now

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