Welcome back, Shopping. It’s been a long time since I have seen builds from you or your community.
Interesting Warlord you got there! May I ask, why are you so keen on using double Frozen Heart in your rings as opposed to Topazes or Crystals? Can’t you get Freeze res somewhere else?
Elixir of the Ancients, Elixir of the Hunt, Lifestealer Oil, Royal Jelly Essence, Elixir of the Dranghoul, Ugdensalve, Stoneheart Oil, Aetherward Oil, Hungerer Oil
I found the Totally Normal Bulwark a little while a go. It cracked me up. Later I found the same one, but it was level 75 not 50. I haven’t looted the one in Ultimate, yet. I also have the Mythical Legionnaire’s Rebuke. Same model. If I can find the normal or empowered Legionnaire’s Rebuke, then I would level up a twin (looking) shield wielding character.
It will be interesting and fun, especially if I can get a good shield bashing character going.
Edit: Level 94 for the Totally Normal Bulwark in Ultimate. I mogged my Death Knight with that and Legionnaire’s Rebuke. So funny looking. Her chest piece has a big skull on it too, but that’s the actual armor. Love this game.