[] Fire FS Saboteur with Ember's Calling set

i did try Guardian Gaze. they are suck (at least with this build), 5 points for only proc, and i dont see it improve my survivability while fighting with IM or Reaper at all. the affix is certainly needed, but you dont need double rare. maybe i think because NB has dodge/evade and Demo has fumble/impair- that will make up to pitiful OA/DA Sabo has (even though i’m not sure how you evade stack with enemies’ fumble)

Depends on what you bind it to :wine_glass:

RR is optional just get more raw dmg / facebook

Stacks multiplicative


the new set needs a bit of extra survivability. As i love Dw sabo i’ve decided to try it quite a bit. Resists, HP, pshys res, anything would help a lot

Personally I use an alladrah spellblade. and maxed static strike. It feels better and have another proc too. I also used annihilation rlic.

I don’t think the set should rely on bat for survivability and do low damage.

Before Ember set i had a Justice setup that also did shit real world dmg but was unkillable. ember just needs more meat on it that’s all so i look forward to that.

PS: i think LA does nothing for you here. I tried this as well with pyre ring. the damage you get does not justify you keep interrupting your attacks to charge it. La doesn’t have OA anymore either so the conversion only helps execution which is still a win.

You can max Night Chill for AoE instead or satic strike if you use spellblade



i’m using doule blazeheart not only for Bat sustain but also for the AOE. melee FS has only Explosive strike for a little more AOE clear, so Fiend (full fire dam and bind to Mines) and other fire devo proc are quite helpful to kill things faster. And the build got so tight skill points (i cant even invest more than 1 point per WPS), so cant really thing how to take more points for Static strike. If you use Spellblade, maximum Stati Strike, and not taking Fiend, i guess your single dam output is stronger, but clearly the AOE dam will be lower quite a bit.
And for Lethal Assault, here are some images
Before LA

After LA

Increase 40k DPS on a auto atk build is not “does nothing”. I dont have the Obsidian glove yet, and since the Justice glove gives me 0% fire dam (only small flat) and 0 skill point, i’m assuming that with the Obsidian glove the damage will be scale even higher with flat dam buff from LA.

ok man…jeez was just a point of view. :smiley: I was under the impression that you were asking for them

You don’t really need to show me screenshots of LA before and after. I mentioned i’ve tried it. I didn’t like it. You can do like 230k dps and it’s only relevant when you do dummy kills :slight_smile:

Sabo is very good at showing off amazing paper damage especially when you use stuff like abomination but then in real world it doesn’t bite that hard.

Anyway. I really like spellblade. the proc on it and the flat dmg is solid without having to click LA. The gameplay just feels smoother for me.

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LOL thats my impression too. on paper things look beautiful, and then it died like small fly in SR 75. even 3-4 heroes gang up and i died instant. guess my pilot is bad. need to practice a bit more

I forgot to mention you can actually do both LA and static strike if you squeeze your butt cheeks really hard. Pretty neat flat dmg

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