[] Ghol's Poison/Acid Pet ritualist

No, the latest GT link is an upload from my current character, I had removed cleansing waters as early as in 1.1.4, but seems I didn’t remove it in practice, my bad
The devotion point can be invested somewhere else

thank you for the reply, if you have time you mind updating it with what you think is a better devotion choice?

Ok, I’m an idiot turns out those weren’t the best devotion options at all!
Also figured out a way to get the extra proc, from Bysmiel’s Bonds instead of Ulo though

See second post

does master of death not affect the weapon convertion?or is the weapon counted first and the master of death not do the conversion?

Master of Death’s conversion should come first iirc.

wouldnt that kinda mess up the build if the point is to be acid conversion?i suspect the 100% from the weapon overwrites the skill

The weapon only converts partially, aye. As in, it converts whatever physical damage is left after MoD’s conversion.
Hence why Master of Death is rarely seen outside of Vitality pet builds.

Skill modifications apply before buffs. The weapon modifies the skill (i.e. 100% Physical Damage is converted to Acid Damage to Summon Briarthorn), and therefore by the time Master of Death applies, there is no physical damage remaining.

So, conversion through skill mods on items > conversion on skills > conversion on items?
I see, that is good to know :blush:

i think the “conversion on skills” you said is just global conversion. In the case of MoD is for pet. And “conversion on items” without mod is global conversion also.

So, which comes first if you have MoD and conversion without mod from items?

and elemental conversion being on a different tier from conversion to specific element (like fire for eg), still holds true, right?

Pretty sure it’s Master of Death first since it’s a buff.

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so,if we are going for the poison thing with the weapon it would be best to use the shaman pet buff not the necro?

The conversion shouldn’t matter if you are using the weapon ( Not for the Blightfiends and Briathorn at least). I recently played a hybrid Acid/Bleed Ghol Ritualist using Primal Bond. Full acid might be better with Master of Death, Idk anything about pets.

Nah, Primal Bond offers way too much comparatively, unless one wants the specific bonuses only MoD provides.

I agree with this.

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