I’m using those augments to balance the resistances of the Pets. You can use other augments if you don’t mind weakening your Pet’s resistances a bit for more offensive power.
I’ve been really enjoying working towards this build and the general premise of it. Just checking to see if anything has changed, either from patches or evolutions in how you think about the build. Greatly enjoy the diversity of pets on offer.
I’m glad you are enjoying it. I haven’t really updated this build since i finished it and not much has changed about it. The off-hand took a nerf, but it is still a key piece in this build. Feel free to ask any questions. Soon, i’ll start working in two new Pet acid builds to test the viability of the Mythical Blightshard Amulet which received a change in the current test patch that increases its conversion of elemental damage to acid damage to 100%.
New devotion setup and skill point distribution for improved defenses and AoE healing.
Minor build update for and major achievement update. I made a few adjustments to make the build more aggressive. The Dirge of Arkovia relic was removed and it was replaced with Bysmiel’s Domination for its stats and proc. As a result of the loss of +1 to All Skills in Necromancer, a few skill points were moved around to compensate. Particularly, Oak Skin loses 4 points and Wendigo Totem/Ground Slam loses one point each. I also still had a wasted point placed on Reap Spirit for some reason so that got removed as well (i actually forgot to change devotions after the last update so… ). Bump Ill Omen to level 8 for more Damage Reduction, place one point back in Blight Fiend to cap it and the final point (or points in my case) can go anywhere. I placed them in Devouring Swarm (in hindsight, it was better to just softcap Ill Omen… Oh well. ).
This one uses the original devotion setup with Mogdrogen instead of the one with Tree of Life. The build is glassier and less safe overall but the damage improvement is pretty big. I’ll include this new version in the opening topic alongside the defensive version so that people can choose whichever they prefer.
Regarding achievements, I finally decided to stop being lazy and put the build to its maximum test by facing Ravager and Mogdrogen (and Bourbon clones, but these are easier than Lokarr so whatever, i guess). I defeated both of them in my first try with the aggressive version of the build. It isn’t easy. Both had a few close calls but Mogdrogen was definitely the hardest. His AoE skills just devastate the Pets and his own summons actually hurt. Quite a lot, in fact. Both require tremendous caution and attention and don’t be surprised if you try and fail a few times. They can crit you very easily with that low DA. I’m just happy i finally beat Mogdrogen to obtain his Spaulders (even though i got a trash roll on conversions). I’ll update the opening topic and add the screenshots with the proof of victory to it.