[] Bullseye - Evoker of Elgoloth Vindicator | SR75-76 | CR ~4:30 | Ravager | Crate

Ah yours is indeed different from mine, I went all in on crits, including Storm Box of Elgoloth for DA reduction, Hawk as a minor constellation, and Upheaval as a weapon proc instead of chilling rounds because of this extreme focus on crit.

Your variant is definitely way less affected by the nerfs than mine because of this, and probably just the better way to run it now. However, I’ll probably just start a new character TBH, look if I have some spicy legendary to build around, I found building my own character more rewarding than simply copying others, and it doesn’t feel right to make the first build that’s really “mine” into something else.

Still working on the full revamp here after considerable changes in For the poor guy on reddit trying to kill Ravager with this, can try this layout while I keep testing options this weekend


Bumped with update for Safer while still bringing the hammer


Thanks for the Update. How would the devotion map look for SR farming?

Yeah, Zantai’s hammer that is, just wait few months when next test patch goes live.

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As built is fine, I used that map for the sr run I linked. Can also swap spear nodes for korvaak nodes instead, putting korvaak on inquisitor seal

Have another update to do thanks to feedback from banana and lee and a bunch of filthy ghoul lovers, SR 75-76 video with link for now. Ravager stable still


Hi there!

Is there a list of potions we should use for max damage/survivability?

Hmm, nothing in SR and crucible beyond normal heal potions. Against ravager safer to use the health boosting and additional leech potions, this won’t kill him naked.

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Would you recommend the new spec in the SR75-76 video for Crate or the updated Grimtools in the topic post? Killing Crate is the only thing I haven’t done in this game and as I’m currently leveling a Vindicator, I’d like to knock that out with this char.

I should get OP updated again but lazy. So the toxic avenger channel tested a bunch of different devo layouts, all of which have pros and cons. The two I’d recommend most are the ghoul+tempest is the above SR75-76 video, or this setup with extra tank that banana tried: Vindicator, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator . OP update is already out of date now as the switch to 2 piece eastern and seal MI shoulders by lee was a net improvement


Thanks. Going with banana’s version. I generally like mindlessly mowing through the invaders of Cairn to reach level 100 before almost immediately leveling a new build so the extra tank is appreciated.

Whichever is fine, the damage is near peak in game and plenty sturdy enough to not die unless you’re begging for it

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Hi, a bit late to grim dawn but its growing on me fast!
I just wanted to ask if there’s a leveling build/guide for this build to get my self familiar with it ? or just lvl up and then spend points and gear etc… But in doing so im afraid id miss out on many things or while leveling i feel like its lacking dmg since im a beginner to the game.
Thank you.


Went back to the game after several years (last time I played level cap was still 85 and Crucible just came out), can I just say my appreciation for the people who created and refined this build, it kicks a** (even at and I can reliably farm SR75-76 now, even with Mad Queen and Grava’thul appearing. I really love doing ranged builds in GD, even though it really means you still have to facetank a lot of enemies, and this build can do that. Yet to try Ravager and Crate.


I don’t think I ever updated this after the top 20 efforts, big change with pants and shoulders. Lee likes the high seal change with shoulders to moose mi (I think? The +3 seal ones) but it’s pretty flexible. Banana even did a yolo no seal version that drops ravager in about 40 seconds. One of these days I’ll revisit for my own personal tweaks but kinda waiting on 1.2 changes now

Yup I’m using the tankier setup from banana_peel in your latest message. Found out that high armor rating isn’t so vital in SR as long as you have good dmg absorb and good stun and freeze res. Kinda hard to overcap poison res so I’m still farming living ring for that. Thanks for your awesome build!!


Thanks for sharing this build! I used the version from the 20 top list and this is by far my favorite ranged build. Before this I had a dagallon purifier and dark blaze pyromancer and this build easily outperforms them while being easier to build. Now I really hate the other two classes lol.

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Been experimenting with Loghorrean shoulders for the OA and DA buffs and potential increased phys res. Only worth it for SR 80+, anything below more dps/dmg still better