Hello again,
this is a Build when hits - at the moment its still in progress - but SR 75+ Solo okaysh
SR 75+ Solo Testrun Ranged Shieldbreaker
a bit unlucky at 76 with the Burnies but thats how life goes deal with it
the masterypoints are getting +1 on all when patch goes live and if the changes on stronghold stay as announced - so they are softcapped or even hardcapped
The Augments like on the Weapons are not tweaked for now - like i can drop one Hexxers Kiss for another augment - also on Rings and Amulet and so on
till now i have tested a dozen of devotion setups with like Phoenix or Hyrian and so on
and this is for now a solid one but still in progress
i have also some ideas with other gearsetup for the rings - im actually farming alot of Gargabol and Alexanders Chausses
Maybe one Gargabol Ring or maybe 2
Also i got a concept with a 2Hand Range - Hellborne and like 4-5 Devotionsetups for testing
Stay tuned