Hi everyone, I like to share my Lightning BH Ritualist with you. This time I focused on BH, hardcapped it, got 1,8 sec cooldown with mods and global CDR.
Image from the game with perma buffs and Soul Harvest buff
This version is better than Savagery focused one I shared in this thread. I think the reason is basically Stormweaver Axe’s low base damage. I mean 9 charge savagery with mods provides only 4-5k difference with Savagery tooltip lol. On the other hand hardcapped BH provided 50k difference and 1,2 sec cooldown. But still Grava can create problems, especially with bad mutators; other than that it’s quite good in farming range.
Here’s a SR 75-76 Complete run, go 5:02 to see Grava fight.
Grava is literally unkillable at SR 85 even with good mutators so build’s limit is pretty this.
PS: Lightning melee builds struggle againts Grava a lot, please diminish Grava’s lightning resistance a bit, like %5 or something. (Fire can be diminish aswell)