[ -] Aegis Corruptible - Voidsoul Sentinel [sr+][vid]

Good day! :slightly_smiling_face:

Chaos characters are always great, be it meme or fully-fledged with dedicated items. If you fail to make them - you cannot call yourselves a builder (except for Witch Hunters, they are trashy).

Okay, that was a joke :rofl:. Except for the last part. But Chaos Damage is really cool thematically and number-wise, at least for me. Never tired of making another one. Still dreaming of constructing Chaos Warlord, that would be the pinnacle of my GD builder career :thinking:. For now, though, I would like to present Voidsoul Sentinel, with huge damage (when got lucky :grin:) combined with satisfying gameplay. Two heavy-hitters - Aegis of Menhir, Doom Bolt - will obliterate any unfortunate enemy fast and reliably. Over 2 million crit (hightest) is not a joke :grimacing:.

Here it is.

1. Grimtools link.
Sentinel, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator - old setup
Sentinel, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator - current setup

Almost standard Dying God + Abomination devotion tree for maximum damage. No Ghoul unfortunately :expressionless:. If you have any ideas about how to fit it in, please share, I will be thankful :slightly_smiling_face:. Ghoul is taken.

2. In-game character stats.
general stats, only passive buffs and Blood of Dreeg are active
AoM damage breakdown
DB damage breakdown
magic stats
defense stats

3. Gear/Build explanation.
Items I chose provide necessary skillpoints, damage to our main nukes and CC resistances (since Sentinel has them only when Ascended :grin:). Other than that - usual Chaos gear.

  1. Core items.
    Set. The Voidsoul. Heavy Chaos/Vitality? set that makes DB and AoM almost “apocalyptic” damage-wise :laughing: (with nice sustain through life-leech). Vitality part makes no sense at all. Proc is not that reliable to speak about. Overall viable set, could be better.
    Relic. Oblivion. Gives good filler to cast between AoM/DB. Racial damage to Chthonics, Spirit, %CS - all is pretty helpful.
  2. Mandatory items.
    Rings. Voidheart and Combustion Band. Standard Chaos RR rings, what more to say? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
    Amulet. Conduit of Divine Whispers. +1 to Oathkeeper, constant Chaos RR on Guardians is great. Craftable. Look for Pierce/Aether resistances.
    Belt. Sash of the Bloodlord. Useful skillpoints, Vitality-to-Chaos conversion for our abilities (Oblivion, Second Rite, procs etc), OA, Spirit, good proc.
    Medal. Lagoth’Ak’s Voidbinding. Damage mods to AoM (conversion is redundant), %Pierce res - much needed (that’s why I took it instead of Basilisk medal). For green MIs - look for %Stun res (Demonic, of Cabal…) and DA, Aether/Pierce resistances again.
    Gloves. Riftwarped Grasp. Nice mods to DB, damage, flat CDR to it, energy management, Health, big OA. Require %CS desperately (especially for Chaos DE :pleading_face:).
    Boots. Voidwalker Footpads. Good Chaos slot with points to AoM, %Slow res, DA, Spirit and defensive proc.
  3. Can be changed.
    Weapon. Bloodsworn Repeater. Nice bonuses to DB, Chaos affinity makes it easier to roll Abyss suffix - needed for DR and some %RR. Tyrant prefix can be an alternative for DR, with Celerity suffix preferably. Alternatives - Ugdenbog Repeater (good bonuses for AoM) and Fang of Ch’thon - an incredible Chaos dagger with huge lifesteal, +1 to Occultist and even %WD to our DB, RR proc, craftable (but you need another source of DR, like medal augments).
    Pants. Solael-Sect Legguards. Lifesteal, %Freeze and Aether resistances. Dreeg-Sect ones with right suffixes also fit. And, of course, Demonbone Legplates, good defensive pants (but your %Freeze res suffers a lot, use Hoarfrost Ointment in this case).

Craft with Reduced Stun/Freeze Duration (bonus is provided by Malmouth blacksmith in Steelcap District). My amulet and helmet have %Freeze res.

About Resistance Reduction. Total amount is ~117% (-10% from Symbol of Solael component, -10% from Voidheart, -8% from Combustion Band, -15% from Guardians of Empyrion aura, -15% from Voidsoul proc (when hit), -35% from Solael’s Witchblade constellation and flat 24 from Revenant constellation) plus 18-22% RR from Abyss weapon suffix, so it can vary. Enough for almost all endgame content. Reaper is resistant but manageable, Benn is just more vulnerable, others are more/less same.

4. Gameplay.
Destroy everything with DB and AoM, spam Oblivion in-between, debuff with Solael’s Flame to proc Revenant devotion. Uptime BoD, Ascension for more damage and tankiness. Amatok for battle relocations. That’s it, pure Chaos :slightly_smiling_face:.

5. Videos.
Mad Queen.




SR 75 full.

Avatar of Mogdrogen (old video) (potions are in the video, healpots on second phase, no Aether Clusters, facetank).

Ravager of Flesh (no longer facetankable, became harder than Callagadra, potions are in the video, no Aether Clusters, occasional healpots, kiting).

Callagadra (potions are in the video, two Pierce res augments swap, no Aether Clusters, occasional healpots, kiting).

Crate boss (potions are in the video, tactical Aether Clusters, occasional healpots, kiting).

Clones of Bourbon (potions are in the video - but you do not need them, the boss has lost its RR abilities, no healpots/Aether Clusters, facetank).

Overall a good Chaos build that is greatly dependant on AoM procs (the more, the better). Wish it could be sturdier, for my taste. Maybe I will be able to improve it in the future, I hope so :slightly_smiling_face:.

Thank you for visiting another Chaos-themed topic, leave your thoughts as well as critique, your feedback is highly appreciated. Have fun!


May I have this post, pleeease?

Already found the answer :rofl:. Took a whole topic to re-think devotion tree in an hour. Ghoul variant (relic with %OA instead of %DA to have sweet “over 3k OA/DA” numbers).

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Hi. interesting vision, of course, of this set, but not the best use. and on the issue of “stronger”, you need to redo the sky, and it’s not just about ghoul. there is little speed of sorcery, there are no tools for survival in piety. think about it, I can give my example of seeing piety for chaos and oblivion. good luck in the future ))

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Hi as someone who likes very much playing chaos stuff and hc + not much time on hand (kinda not very deep into game), can you suggest some gear for leveling and farming with this build? i like very much the idea of going around throwing your shield with chaos damage :smiley: sorry if its a stupid question

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There is always something better, that is true :slightly_smiling_face:. My devotion tree is more damage-oriented, something with Empyrion/Obelisk/Aeon would definitely be sturdier. For most endgame stuff that interests me Abomination+Dying God combination is enough. And, of course, piloting skills make difference. Like another “surival tool”. Anyway, thanks for feedback. It will be nice to see your variant too :grinning:.

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:. Unfortunately, this is endgame build, I can hardly imagine leveling with it. The Lagoth’Ak’s medal is obtainable only at the end of vanilla GD, Voidsoul set is a random 94 drop. Maybe something with Bloodsworn Repeater could work (turns DB into Chaos)? :thinking: I suggest usual Sentinel leveling and farming for HC. Then respec with all gear collected. Sorry for not helping much, I am not good at leveling guides :unamused:.

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Here survivability always depends on damage, at least if there is a glutton that works. My version has been here for a long time, although I didn’t do a full update, but only posted a video with Callagadra and the faistan of this beast )) Although I would have done it differently now, I think that when there is time and opportunity, I will change the build again ))

Hm, I thought about Sentinel using Voidsoul set :thinking:, not Deceiver, which has a different approach (in-built RR, better spamming skill, in your build - no Doom Bolt). To be precise, I set the goal “Sentinel with Voidsoul set”, not “The best class for Voidsoul set” one.

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This build is updated a bit to patch. Here are the changes:

  • The Voidsoul Set: increased % Crit damage bonus to 16%
  • Voidsoul Bulwark: increased % Physical Resist to 15%
  • Abomination: increased Health to 700
  • Wretch: increased Health to 140
  • Clarity of Purpose: reduced base % Crowd Control Resists to 12% but increased their scaling with rank such that the value at rank 12 remains at 50%
  • Haven: increased % Shield Damage Blocked scaling with rank to 40% by rank 10, 60% by max ultimate rank. Reduced % Health scaling with rank to 26% by rank 10 and increased scaling at ultimate ranks such that value at max ultimate rank remains at 40%.
  • Rebuke: reduced Physical damage scaling with rank
  • Resilience: reduced base % Maximum All Resist and % Defensive Ability to 1% and increased their scaling with rank such that the values at rank 12 remain at 5% and 12%, respectively
  • Safeguard: replaced % Physical/Fire/Internal Trauma damage with % All damage and reduced Physical damage scaling with rank

Up-to-date Grimtools link was added, just some skillpoints redistribution. Until next time! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks, amazing build and greatly optimized. I like that you have Oblivion filler, damage reduction movement skill, Ghoul.
Please send me character folder, I’d like to try something with it.

No longer valid comment.

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_Aradramis.zip (790.1 KB)
Enjoy :slightly_smiling_face:.

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What I expected - Ravager facetanked in 2:20, so nearly 3 minutes improvement :slight_smile:

  1. (minor) I swapped Aegis / Doom Bolt bindings because Doom Bolt has higher % chance on Abomination and they both have 100% on Hungering Void. Also Doom Bolt hits its main target twice I believe

  2. Then I noticed Ghoul is at 24 so I bumped it to 25.

  3. First fail, couldn’t keep up with Energy so I put Spark in the medal

    • choosing another Ravager could work too but they have other specific advantages
  4. Second fail, forgot that Chaos Strike that I lost by salvaging medal is actually important and needs to be used :laughing:

  5. Third fail, Skeletons unbound from Chaos Strike when I lost the skill :man_facepalming:

  6. In the 4th attempt everything was alright and surprisingly easy facetank :thinking: without any more modifications.

    • I used many pots that have long duration because I have them prepared and don’t like thinking which to click / are necessary or repeating fights because of not drinking some pots but you can certainly reduce their number if you want because

      • I used i.e. Fire / Cold / Lighting / Chaos Res ones and Ravager of Flesh doesn’t even deal damage of these types

      • OA / Energy / Health Regen don’t seem to be needed either. Didn’t check DA.

    • Cluster might have not been necessary, I used it when my 2 heals were on cooldown and I had 50% health for some time

But let’s say for whatever reason one still has problems in this fight. Possible tweaks that would be very noticeable (random order):

  • Haunted Steel component(s) with Bloodthirster mini ghoul

  • Seal(s) of Might for 8% Phys res

  • Oleron’s Blood with Oleron’s Might skill for 20% Damage Reduction instead of 12% from Chaos Strike

  • two 6% ACDTH consumables that you have to keep drinking but the build already has ton of leech so maybe not

PS I play Public Test. Not sure if there are any changes affecting the fight.


There are none, actually :laughing:. is mostly retal-oriented.

The Ravager killing video I posted was made without Ghoul in devotion tree, so it is definitely squishier. Nice idea to swap Abomination and Dying God proccers, thanks :+1:.

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to be honest,The assistance provided to the Sentinels was limited. Compared with Aegis of menhir and Flames of ignafar, the DPS provided by Aegis of menhir is still limited. (Even though its DPH is really amazing, especially during critical hit.) At the same time, compared with inquisitor, oathkeeper’s own skills lack the reinforcement of chaos. If you want to give up a lot of actual bonuses because of a skill, its actual gains should usually match those lost bonuses. But so far, none. I like void soul set very much. But in my actual collocation, void soul set sentinel is inferior to void soul set Devicer.

This. I do not mind buffing Oathkeeper side of Voidsoul set. But if devs consider it good enough already - fine. Build is workable for me.

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Hello! :slightly_smiling_face: patch has brought only this:

  • Aspect of the Guardian: increased base % Physical Resist by 2% and increased % All Retaliation damage scaling with rank

And the build did not change. Good luck!


Here is build update:

  • Oblivion: increased % Weapon damage on the granted skill to 125%
  • Mythical Riftwarped Grasp: increased Health to 440
  • Voidsoul Bulwark: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 50%
  • Sailor’s Guide: added 15% Fire Resist and increased % Run Speed to 10%
  • Solael’s Witchfire: increased Defensive Ability to 40
  • Avenging Shield: increased % Crit damage scaling with rank to 35% by rank 12, 55% by max ultimate rank

Updated Grimtools link and Ravager facetank video were added to main topic. Have fun! :slightly_smiling_face:


Interesting setup u have there.
I went a different route with DB pistol for dr + % rr & dreegs pestilence amulet for more chaos rr with a nice +1 to both Occ & Ok.
I also went with undead racial on the relic to have reaper be less annoying.
For devos ours are to no surprise very similar too minus converted fiend on guards which made for a nice addition in dmg here imo.

Performance is fairly solid on it as well as can be seen by this run roman did in CR.

Cheers, Mergo! :clinking_glasses:

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My Conduit + weapon combination gives -30% RR, yours -10% and up to 22% (depends on enemy’s resistance). Is it roughly equal?

Yeah, it is convenient that Demonic prefix has %OA :grin:, plus of Abyss suffix. But I am legit peasant, so options are limited.

Hi! :slightly_smiling_face:

Let me start updating my builds for huge 1.2.x.x patch. Much work to do, but I will get to the end eventually :laughing:. Apart from common changes, here are some build-specific ones:

  • Mythical Riftwarped Grasp: added 3% Physical Resist and increased Offensive Ability to 144. Increased Vitality damage modifier for Drain Essence to 110.
  • Mythical Voidwalker Footpads: reduced Cooldown on the granted skill
  • The Voidsoul Set: added 15% Block Chance bonus. Increased % Damage Modified modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 140%.
  • Voidsoul Bulwark: added 150% Vitality Decay Duration and increased % Activation Chance for the skill proc to 50%. Increased % Weapon damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 75%.
  • Abomination: increased Health to 800 and Offensive Ability to 120
  • Dying God: added 8-20 Chaos damage for pets and increased Defensive Ability to 55
  • Ghoul: increased Health Regeneration to 16 and % Health Regeneration to 30%
  • Raven: reduced Energy Regeneration to 1.0 and increased Lightning damage for pets to 9
  • Ghoulish Hunger: added % Increased Healing (Forgotten Gods only) and added % Cast Speed
  • Blood of Dreeg: reduced Cooldown to 12s and increased Duration to 60s. Increased Energy Cost and Health Regeneration scaling with rank. Increased % Heal at scaling at ultimate ranks.
  • Possession: increased % Absorption scaling with rank to 18% by rank 12, 25% by max ultimate rank
  • Ascension: increased Energy Cost scaling with rank
  • Avenging Shield: increased bounce Range by 16%
  • Vire’s Might: increased Travel Distance

A new Grimtools link is added and all videos are updated except for Mogdrogen (for obvious reasons :grin:), with new ones - Callagadra, Crate and Clones of Bourbon because why not? Do not look at my sloppy performance, I am still getting accustomed to new playstyle, need more practice.

Thank you and have fun!

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