Drain Essence is a very good skill but it requires certain items to function properly especially for end game. Chillwhisper set alongside other items make cold drain essence reaper a viable build in end game.
[ ] Build : Reaper, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Pros :
Decent damage 536k highest damage.
Decent OA 3.3k.
Fairly tanky ( a lot of lifesteal ).
Not a piano build you only use 3 buttons.
Cons :
Kuba in SR is a pain due to his healing pools.
Some people might find the build boring due to its nature of standing still and facetank everything.
Heavy green MI build.
SR 76
Bourbon Clones kill
Lokkar kill
Tips: Craft for stun res at Malmouth blacksmith.
Try to get a shield with Phys res prefix and a cold damage suffix ( cold damage suffix is not mandatory tho ). Try to get reaper leguards with of incantations suffix to get skill disruption reduction and it will also maximize your blade spirit. The reason why i used harmony pants because i don’t have an of incantations reaper pants.
Conclusion: The build is fairly decent once you have all items. It can facetank most things and it doesn’t require a lot of piloting skills to play because all you do is cast your debuffs on enemies and proc your devotions then facetank everything with Drain Essence. I hope that you will enjoy it and see you later .