[ My Deep SR Pet Conjurer - SR140 solo, Callagadra, Lokarr, Ravager (CR150-170 ~6:50)

I can very reliably get to chunk 4 in SR130, but I cannot beat most nemesis bosses. Still, nothing to be ashamed of doing just that much, imo.

*edit 4/8/2022 - Playing around this morning, changed my leg armor to ancient armor plate (used to be scaled hide)… same 100% absorb, little more armor, DA.


Cool concept, gratz! Sad story… Nerfs are coming… Soon ™.

Just jokin’… :vulcan_salute:

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Kudos for trying uber deep SR, haven’t seen anything of that caliber since the scaling was buffed in


Dunno if I should feel honored or annoyed if the toon got nerfed. :stuck_out_tongue: But, if they do… I’ll find a way… < evil laugh >

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Yeah, same here! :vulcan_salute:

Moosie is a hard “No” at this level. But, 3/4… I think it’ll be doable with friendly rolls in chunk 4.

Videos of the three bosses:

Iron Maiden and Zantarin. Pretty quick kills…! /flex

Shar’Zal (Shar’Zul)… one of my most cowardly fights ever, flexed ON. :smiley: But, in the end, a W is W… Gotta get all 4 though. All in due time.

Vitality have lot of natural enemies, why not try to Elemental pet, Storm Spirit 210% elemental damage buff lost.

I have made plenty of elemental / fire / cold / lightning conjurers, they’re fine. If done properly they can beat all game content and push SR100 in my experience with builds I’ve made / builds I’ve seen others post . But to keep elemental would be a fundamentally different build with different devotions, different gear. I wouldn’t be able to keep my arms or Marrow Band ring which generate additional pets (conjurer is really strong with 4 pets and temps, I tried to give it more pets here)… the arms for DPS, the ring to pull aggro off my toon (when you have Fabius chasing you in SR115, you’ll appreciate that pet and its aggro more than a little more damage type % DPS increase, imo). I’m quite sure a deep SR elemental conjurer would be possible, but I felt the path of least resistance for a deep SR conjurer was through gear that has vitality conversion. Vitality is one of my least favorite damage types for pets, but I have just enough % rr here and conversion that it seems to work.


but Elemental type will get more deep and more fast.

I don’t think it will go any deeper with elemental. In fact I think it’d struggle to perform as well in deep SR if I stuck to elemental. There are numerous ways to do damage, you’re suggesting trading a higher pet count for more damage % on fewer pets… not sure that’d be better. I’d lose the Salazar blade for a Mindwarp, I’d lose a very strong temp pet with -% rr there. I’d lose the Marrow Band ring, high HP tanky pet that takes aggro would be lost (important in high SR). I’d have to use different arms, three high DPS temp pets lost there as well. I would have to try it I guess, but I don’t think it’d be better with elemental.

Wendigo Totem will make Pet more tanky. 125 ~ 130 level how long did it take you.

I really don’t think the totem will be enough that high.

I have opened to 180 on this toon (I built this one years ago), so I didn’t go all the way from 115-130 a single round at a time, I just opened to 125 since I can with a Death’s waystone. But, it takes maybe ~10 minutes per chunk that high (*edit probably closer to 5 minutes a level, video below is very average… when I don’t die, that adds a lot of time, respawning 5 times, buffing up. conjuring pets, etc.) You can see in the video above, in chunk 4 I can kill bosses in a couple minutes or so each. With hordes it takes a bit more finesse, takes some time to lure them over without biting off more than I can chew. I have vids of doing chunks 3 and below at 125 I can post to give you an idea.

Here is me finishing chunk 1 (with time) and almost finishing chunk 2 (almost had time left…) This should give you an idea of what it looks like in chunks 1-3.

cant watch, youtube website was block in my place :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

You’re not going to be able to watch Moosie 1-hit me from across the viewable screen area then. :stuck_out_tongue:

I know Moosie damage is crazy in high SR. also can freeze Pet make headache。

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can u make new post for Stalwart Guardian & Eldritch Hound or someother same Pets, can show Pet icon like primal spirit when they gone will disappear, or at least like skeleton have buff icon.
because in lots of monsters, always cant see have or not.

Not sure if I’m following the question exactly… the Eldritch Hound and Stalwart Guardian, they don’t have icons. You can see them spawn in the videos (I know you aren’t able to see the video right now). What do you want me to show you in the post, what they look like in the game when spawned…? Or are you asking if there is a way to see when they spawn / are cooling down? Those two spawn automatically, no icon / button to press.

I kinda carpet bombed answers there, hope I got your question. :smiley:

Post in Ideas and Feedback, suggest them update in v1195

I know, but if can show Icon will feel better.