Hi everyone; I like to share you my Cold EoR builds with you but I won’t explain details througly so it’s just a showcase. This thread has two sections so go below for Archon.
DW Cold EoR Dervish
Image from the game with perma buffs and PB
PS: Grimtools hasn’t updated yet but there is no change that affect the build.
SR 85 Complete Run (Go 7:40 to see Kuba fight)
SR 75-76 Complete Run (Go 4:30 to see Kuba fight)
S&B Cold EoR Archon
Image from the game with perma buffs
Gloves crafted with freeze resist.
PS: Grimtools hasn’t updated yet but the only changes that affect the build are %100 Cold Damage added to the Eye of the Storm relic and %All Damage on Safeguard.
SR 85 Complete Run
It’s actually 85ish because Kuba is quite hard to kill without very good mutators with this build at this level.
SR 75-76 Complete Run (Go 9:50 to see Kuba fight)
Which one is better? - Damage are very close, in fact with equal attack speed Archon is better yet definitely Dervish, since it’s more stable.
Why archon on S&B Setup? Because Nightblade lose it’s advantage when you give up from dual wielding. Shaman has Exclusive skill, Raging Tempest points are easier to get and utilization of Maelstrom through lightning>cold conversion. Also I want to use Eye of the Storm relic that just got %Cold damage.
Why should I play S&B version? - Actually it just doesn’t add aything more than being an alternative and interesting setup. But having huge health pool is cool.
Feedback for devs on Gravetouch: Normally one can expect that S&B build will have more defense but less offense than a DW build but not in this case. If both had %200 AS S&B version would have more damage… (Not sure about if both setup tried on Dervish since Archon provides good amount damage here with exclusive skill, mogdrogen’s pact and eye of the storm relic.)
When you combine it with Archon you reach absurd health values yes but that shield can use some more defense, like %6-7 physical resistance.
And Blitz points doesn’t make sense here. I think Raging Tempest or Stormcaller’s Pact points fit here better.
More attack speed would be good.