[] Deathstalker's aura -phys RR display inconsistency

In-game and Build Calculator tooltip shows 8% physical RR, but in Pet Database it still shows 10%:


Not sure why it does that and how that works in the first place, but thought I’d let you guys know.

That sounds like a pet database problem :thinking:

That’s because the pet database is still at version

Well, as long as it does what it says on the tin…

Hm, that’s true. I just learned it has a separate DB thanks to you. Still, Deathstalker’s RR was reduced in 9.4 as well =)

True, even more confusing if looking at the Deathstalker relic changelog part, the log said it got changed at versions 9.3 then at 9.6 despite no change to the relic at those 2 patches.

Yeah, weird stuff indeed. Guess I’ll take it to Dammit then.

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