*Updated build 7/23/22:
Updated build 4/11/20:
Changed components on gloves/belt for better resist overcaps, as well as some augments. Helm now crafted for slow resist. Moved points from MC for better CC resists. Overall much smoother game play. Farming SR 75-76 is consistent. Finally took this char to crucible, cleared with zero difficulty. Since I had to start from wave 1, I have no idea clear speed times as my goal was to see if build could handle the clear. Someone else can feel free to test. I hate crucible.
This is my main grim dawn char I’ve been tweaking for some time and I feel I’ve gotten it as good as I can. Original concept I followed from this great post [] Nature's Avenger - A Phys/IT Titan - the 2h reign begins - Gladiator 150-170 in 11 min.
Goal was to be tanky, do great damage, and have as few buttons to press as possible.
Grimtools: Warder, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
The build:
3.2k OA, spikes to 3.6k with procs
3.1k armor with perma dryads blessing, 3.3k with decree proc
20k health
2.8k DA, 3k with procs.
37% physical resist, 62% with avenger proc.
Most resists well overcapped. Poison is weak link, countered by dryad blessing and heart of the wild
Sustain via health regen and adtch: 2.3k health regen, 4.5k with avenger proc, 13% adtch, with multiple %health gain procs
Doomforce to mouse up, health pot to side mouse button = no keyboard buttons to press (yay!)
70% stun, 71% slow, 54% freeze.
Craft for stun resist on chest/helm, +armor on amulet
Shields from Seal of Ancestry and crab
Cunning dumped for damage and OA
Poison resist is lowish, (could put antivenom salve or an udgenbog on belt), but I personally find I don’t really notice it due to my reduced poison duration. And I prefer the enchanted earth for the concept i’m going for, which is huge health regen to compliment adtch and procs.
Able to facetank just about everything. Mad queen, Lokaar, Ravager, Mogdrogen, all rogue dungeon bosses, all nemesis besides Grava, have to dodge his null, other than that its fine. Haven’t tried Calla on ultimate, but I doubt I could facetank her. Farms 75-76 SR with no real issues. I don’t play crucible much, but I’m pretty sure this could do well, I’ll try someday.
Build is super fun. Tanky as all get out. Damage I feel is strong. And its nice to just jump in, pound things into the ground, and move on. No complicated piano key smashing, or cooldown management, just simple killing. Nice and lazy.
Anyways, enjoy. Any feedback appreciated, always looking to improve as this is by far my favorite char. Thanks.