I have been testing on training dummies in order to understand how the skill and conversions work. Then I realized that:
When I take the transmuter for Storm Box of Elgoloth (which is supposed to increase the damage by 10%), the tooltip for the modifier Lightning Tether gets a 10% increase in numbers BUT the actual damage dealt to the dummies does not increase by 10%. I tested for the lightning damage part and didn’t really pay attention to the electrocute part as it was hard to spot its numbers among tons of floating numbers.
The transmuter only converts the main skill damage to Aether, the Lightning damage from Lightning Tether remains lighting. Maybe this is intended?
I don’t know if 1) is a tooltip bug or a trasmuter bug as I don’t know if the transmuter is supposed to affect everything or only the main skill. I guess it is a transmuter bug seeing how the transmuter for Panetti’s replicating missiles work but then we would have an inconsistency where the transmuter affects all for amplification but not for conversion.
It’s explained here why this is like that Secondary Skill Modifiers, also other skills that behave the same are mentioned.
Not really, or at least not fully. Transmuter for Panetti doesn’t convert Proliferation damage of additional projectiles (convertes Proliferation damage to main target though). But except that part of Proliferatiion the whole PRM tree is converted.
Too much coding / engine changes at this point required for that, might be changed in Grim Dawn 2 to not confuse players. Although often adds global conversions to items to remedy this when it’s adequate. Most often then not you can get 50% conversion for those and sometimes even 100%.
To have at least some kind of visual guess what is a secondary skill modifiert would be a tiny help, e.g. a different color or a hexagon instead of the circle. :dunno: (but this would cost valuable artist time)
I guess, there will be no additional text in the current phase of development (e.g.: Not affected by skill modifiers for the main skill) as this would better be able to cover special cases like Proliferation. (but than there is the issue with the translators)
So I fear, we have to live with the current status
[the same addition would imho be nice for skill scales with attack or casting speed]
I also just noticed that the “-12% aether resist to Storm Box” does not affect the Lightning Tether, I guess for the same reasons you linked to. So even if the modifier comes from an item it won’t work. These don’t make sense but I guess they are practical when it comes to coding.