[] Chaos Purifier

Hello guys!

This topic is part show-off and at the same time I seek advice. I made this build around a year ago. I was looking to create some unusual autoattacking lazy build and come up with this. Fire strike chaos autoattacker with 3 main RR debuffs. It performs great, mostly single target but clears packs well too. The main drawback is that it’s not as tanky as I want it to be. Celestials and superbosses are very punishing. Even with tanky devotions. DPS however is great. This is the most DPS I’ve ever achieved across all characters. Single target procs from 600k to 1.5m. But right now I’d appreciate some advice to make it more tanky.

The main idea with the gear was to collect elemental to chaos conversion. It is possible to collect >100% but needs max conversion values from gear. Everything else is just what benefits more. I got lucky with belt. I spent millions for boots. Pants is just the best I had.


  • constant +100% RR debuff. Max is around ~150 RR
  • Excellent single target damage. Good againts packs.


  • Very low res overcaps
  • Low to none CC res
  • mediocre SR performance due to low density of mobs.

I’ve been playing a Fire Strike purifier with Desolator, but today I found an item with almost 100% chaos conversion on Fire Strike. I got super happy because the item looks awesome for my build, until I realized it kills my damage.

I haven’t made a build with it, but it seems intriguing. Have you heard of it?

Mythical Blood Sigil of C’thon on Grimtools

I was thinking it might work really well with an Occultist + Demolitionist instead of the purifier. But maybe there are some great compatible +chaos items, since the conversion is taken care of by the medal?

Few purifiers are able to go Celestial hunting.

Edit: just realized this is an old thread.