[] Expelliarmus! 4:37m Crucible 150-170, SR 75-76 facetank PRM Mage Hunter by mad_lee [c+][sr+][vid]

The question is whether Crucible clearers will be very good in realm too and vice versa!Personally will play both,but not going to pursue highest possible results in new mode if I have to create absurd full defensive tank.

Well you need to clear the realms on a timer too so too tanky is not too good there either?

  • Mythical Panettiā€™s Replicating Wand: removed % Run Speed Slow modifier for Panettiā€™s Replicating Missile, it has been moved to Mythical Tome of Names
  • Relic - Iskandraā€™s Balance: added % Lightning damage to chance of damage bonus
  • Invokerā€™s Will Set: reduced % Elemental Resist on the skill proc to -24%
  • Callidorā€™s Tempest: reduced % Weapon damage scaling at ultimate ranks to 50% by max ultimate rank. Increased Fire damage scaling at ultimate ranks.
  • Mirror of Ereoctes: replaced % Damage Reflected with Lightning Retaliation
  • Trozanā€™s Sky Shard: increased base damage and increased Cold damage scaling at ultimate ranks

  • Arcane Empowerment: reduced Pierce and Elemental damage scaling with rank, replaced Elemental Retaliation with Fire Retaliation
  • Lightning Tether: increased Lightning damage scaling with rank
  • Rune of Hagarrad: now deals 30% reduced damage at point blank
  • Steel Resolve: reduced Physical damage scaling with rank

Seems the build remains viable!

I am predicting itā€™s going to be one of the top casters in Shards, especially with that new medal and chest and those new augments. Slight nerfs to Panettiā€™s Wand wonā€™t affect it at all: big purple monsters and nemeses all have huge slow resist anyway.

i totallly forgot about iskandra relic, all this time i am using ignaffar! :frowning:

thanks for this build lee.

Finally able to play again after some time, but who can resist playing a prm build cause is just so fun to play. :rolleyes:

Though this is my campaign version with greeniesā€¦:eek:

*only perma buffs and word of renewal ( no seals)


I just love this skill so much! :stuck_out_tongue:

Panetti perfection OCD! :eek:


cant wait for fg and this medal, thanks again! :cool:

Kinda interesting spin on itemization and devotions choice. How does it compare to the original setup?

Sorry for off topic here, I just want to say this thread has the best intro pic Iā€™ve ever seen on this sub.
Thanks for amazing build btw.

Does the 6% ADCTH on PRM apply to all PRM damage or just the WD portion?

all direct damage

Thanks! I should change the writing under the pic to something Barrelsmith related tho.

All damage. Thatā€™s why Spellgaze is so crucial for PRM builds.

yeah i find that levelling with PRM is really sketchy survivability wise, hate that it takes too long before you can finally wear the mask to use adcth for prm.

i notice from grimtools theres this ā€œSlathsarrā€™s Crestā€ that you find from a early level 40 onwards which adds %weapon damage (thus allowing one to utilise adcth early on with prm). it also converts 100% elemental to aether Damage, based on your knowledge and experience do you think the aether prm would be good for endgame mad_lee?

Aether PRM is better for Spellbinder,you can find build made by ya.Mage hunters are best as lightning panettis.I posted cold version,which is ok,you can build pure elemental,but is going to be inferior due to lower RR.Fire have good devos,but worst support for now.

Because leveling with PRM is sub-optimal, mate. Try searching leveling guides for Arcanists/Inquisitors/Mage Hunters.

I enjoy levelling with the skills that I will eventually use in late game. With enough points in prm and upon taking proliferation itā€™s pretty decent for clear. (Obviously not as fast as stuff like ravenous Earth but still good enough). As with all casters the only issue is life sustainability but I guess I answered myself in the previous post.

@nery thx for the heads up iā€™ll check those out

Nice build. Iā€™ve been making a PRM version as a sorcerer. What are your thoughts on using demo instead of inquisitor? Could do ulzuins helm, shoulders, and chest piece. You lose a few +skills from the helm and shoulers swap, but gain a lot of -lightning resistance from the Ulzuins helm and the thermite mines. The three piece set gives a hefty amount of phys res too. Could swap out just the helms as well. I guess the choice is between wpn dmg on the skill, or a helm with CDR and a -lightning proc. VF makes maxing Cast and move speed easy. You also can max star pact since you donā€™t have to choose between class exclusive buffs. The total cool down reduction, additional 5% from the helm and 12% from star pact, could be real close to 48% with good rolls on the amulet and Offhand. Iā€™m guessing that additive 17% would have those devotions up a lot.

Inquisitor - AoC gives ~-11% lightning res
Demo - Helm +mines ~ -50% lightning res

Iā€™m also real curious about going fire and lighting as a sorcerer. Not sure which is better, but it seems easier to drop fire res over lighting res. The widow mines seem harder to proc at the right time versus the devotion that drops fire res in my experience. Hm the fire route with a warp fire might be worth considering tooā€¦

Maybe something like this. Has a little lower OA, DA, and health. Numbers seem acceptable though. OA is probably about the same on average since FT is up all the time. The resistances and armor are significantly higher, 1740 armor with 100% absorption. Has 43% sheet CDR, 2982% lightning dmg, and has an -40% lightning and fire res.


eekā€¦ pierce res needs fixedā€¦

Nice theorycraft, but Inquisitor is just too good for this spec. Passive resist reduction is a huge damage boost to any build. Plus Inquisitor allows us to hold our ground thanks to damage reduction from Censure, absorption from Inquisitor Seal and Word of Renewal line.

You can of course try doing it with a Sorcerer.

And by the way, almost forgot, Spellgaze is the most important piece here as it adds ADCTH mod to PRM. Without it PRM is not really that viable.

Thatā€™s incorrect. I think you are assuming that elemental gets split 3 ways. Thatā€™s only true in the case of flat damage numbers. Anything that gives a % type bonus to elemental applies equally to fire lightning and cold.

Aura gives - 33%+ to all three which is why itā€™s so good. The fact that itā€™s a passive aura makes it borderline broken and mandatory for a huge number of builds, but crate doesnā€™t care for some reason.

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Mark of the Shadow Queen.

Made for this build.